First of all I am excited to report that we painted Miss Mace's bedroom this weekend {wa-hoo}- pics to follow soon!
{still lots of things to place & get in order before I reveal anything}
& I found a lamp at TJ's today {only $20} to make my key lamp a reality- yeah!
I wanted to share with you all a few things that I am loving lately
{obsessed would be a good word to use too ;)}
1- Season 25
Oprah's behind the scenes reality show of the making of her TV show each day on her new network OWN. I really find it fascinating seeing what happens on a day to day basis, meetings in Oprah's inner offices, all her producers & watching her pack her lunch at 5:55 each morning to go to work. Anyone else out there watching it??
2- ZuMBA!!
I love going here a couple of times a week to shake it with all my friends & neighbors. I wish I could shake my hips like the South Americans do but hey I'm trying & laughing along the way with my friends. If you are looking for something to do this Thursday head on up to Mt. Green & Zumba for a good cause. It's so much fun!! {WISH, I could go but I have Gourmet Club that night. I might be sending my girls- they love it too!}
3- The Amazing Race!
Yeah- a new season is starting! We LOVE watching this as a family & getting together with our good friends the "S" Family to each Sunday night to watch it. We are all pulling this season for our favorites, the Cowboys- Yee-Haw!
We hope they win it all this time around.
4- New Pillows
I hit TJ Maxx today & found these terrific linen pillows with a Bee on them, even better! I have wanted something like this for a while now to brighten & lighten up my couch. It is just what I needed to get through the wintertime blues.
-Bon jour!- |
5- Dark Chocolate Pomegranates
From Costco- so yummy & good for you too! ;)
6- a 2 hour lunch with a friend at Rumbi's
Yes, 2 hours just talking, laughing & visiting with my dear friend Becky that I met years ago while at the Farmers Market in Ogden on 25th Street. So grateful she stopped by my little H&H booth to say hi, all these years later I count it as a true blessing to be her friend!
Another thing I am loving is Rumbi's fish tacos. They are really, really good {light & fresh with great flavor}
I'm not a big fish person either but I can't get enough of them.
{trying to eat healthier lately :) }
7- New Jersey Cookies {otherwise known as Oatmeal Choc. Chip}
*not to brag but I did win a blue ribbon at the County fair & a red ribbon at the State Fair with this family cookie recipe- they are good!
My daughter Emily & her friend Annie made cookies yesterday ALL by themselves & wrapped them up to take to a new neighbor that will be moving in down the street. Thought it was so sweet of them to think of that. I'm glad there was some left over to put in the cookie jar to enjoy today!
Oh, & I'm happy to report that I figured out why I couldn't down load any of our Valentine pictures from my camera that I wanted to share with you, the problem is fixed & I'll be posting them soon so check back.