A couple of delightful days!

The day in a Nut {Tortilla} Shell

-The 1st day of Back to School Menu-

This & That
I wanted to post this picture of my newly "seasonly updated" decorated mantle.

I adore all the mix of colors & textures. Glass, wood, candles, leather & metal items with the reds, greens, oranges, browns & blues. Ahhh..... Fall & it's many colors.

-I love to collect things!-
old {well worn leather} footballs & baseballs

Ty & I have a sand collection in his office {16 bottles strong} We started collecting on our honeymoon in San Diego 15 years ago. Whenever we get the chance to go to a warm place & walk along a sandy beach we pick up a scoop to bring home. We have rocky, dark sands to the finest whitest sands of the Caribbean. We label each bottle & date it. It is fun to look at them all & remember the time we spent there. Some just have shells, sea glass or little rocks anything to help us remember our vacation there.

My first trip to {Sprinkles}
Oh, what a charming, creative & yummy place this is!

My happy place.....

So true, cupcakes always make me feel better :) I especially enjoyed this wedding that was featured because it had everything to do with bees & honey {so sweet!} I thought their colors were so fun, just orange & yellow {the turtle twins favorite colors by the way}
Just a few thoughts

I'm looking forward to taking a trip with Ty in a couple of weeks. It will be a good little quick getaway to the Sunshine State.
My girls are so great! I'm glad I get to be their Mom.
I'm looking forward to going here in 36 days. I can't wait to see what *Sparks* my creativity.
Loves adding a new song to my playlist & mixing it all around. Change is good :)
Excited to go to the D.I. today & unload bags of baby clothes I have been hanging onto for years & also look to see if I find any little treasures to bring home {I hope, I hope, keeping my fingers crossed}
Looking forward to going out to lunch with my girls today.
When I get home I think I will make a Zucchini Chocolate Cake, it's so yummy!
I need to put a date on the calender for the next Hollyhocks & Honeybees show. {I love, love love to make Halloween & Fall things- I'm excited!! } LoTS of ideas in my head right now of things to design & NeW things to make. Stay tuned!