Hi... there!
I wanted to share a little gift I put together for my sweet friend, Becky. {Love her to pieces!} She is an amazing friend & example to me, simply adore her! The reason for putting this little box together was because of a gift exchange I was doing along with of my friends, the Cultivate girls.
{*Locals: tune into Studio 5 at 11 today on Channel 5 to see more of our gift exchange}
We have done it for a couple of years now & it is simply delightful to watch every one's faces light up when they receive their gift from a friend.
The idea for the gift box exchange came from {here} I introduced it to the group as something we could do for each other at our monthly luncheons in February.
It's been so much fun- these ladies are so creative in what they choose to stuff & fill their boxes up with. I'm always amazed at their talents.
{Love you- N, H, S, & B!}
Without further adieu here is what I packaged up for my friend. I found the adorable denim {so reminded me of her} box at Walmart. Another reason I loved it was the stitched pocket that was on the front.
{more places to stash some goodies ;)}
I filled the pocket up with some Valentine bingo cards, the most adorable vintage inspired cupcake toppers & some red, white & pink packs of sixlets.
{So stinkin' cute!}
Open the box inside to find each tiny compartment filled with a fun little something. Not your traditional chocolate candy box my friend! Don't get me wrong I love chocolate but something about taking all that out & then filling it up with sweets, trinkets & tiny treasures instead is so much better!
{not to mention much less calories!}
I tried to think of things I thought Becky would love & be able to use in all her crafting, decorating & just being a fun Grandma to so many adorable little ones.
-Little wooden hearts, some painted some not, to be used on a project or just glued to a card- |
-A couple of rolls of decorative washi tape {love this stuff} & of coarse some hot & spicy Hot Tamales fill up another compartment.- Did you know that Hot Tamales came in Valentine colors this time of year? So in love with all the amazing candy that there is to buy this time of year. |
-This silky ribbon with buttons sewn on it reminded me of her & just seemed to say Valentine's Day. A little sack filled with some V-Day candy corns- |
- Some sour gummy strawberry & watermelon lips {so yummy!} & a smooth Lindor Chocolate ball nestled into place - |
-Got to have some chocolate in there somewhere, right? Heart shaped Jr. Mints are just the thing. I also filled up a section with some cute colorful clips & fasteners.- |
One thing I know for sure about my sweet friend is she loves CoLOR & all things bright. So I made her a zip-tie heart garland that she could hang up somewhere in her home.
So cheerful & FuN!
{for directions on how to make this garland go Here}
I enjoyed so much putting this box together for Becky. I love giving something sweet to dear friends.
Now... here is the adorable box I received from my friend, Sheryl. The top of the box alone had me swooning- I loved it! The little framed bee is totally me & so cute. All the doilies, lace, fabric trim, tickets & letters were fabulous. The tag she attached onto the box was so personal & sweet. It's something I'll treasure forever.
-Thank you Friend!-
Inside the box she filled up with goodies of all kinds, a darling dainty fabric banner
{can you tell us Cultivate girls love a banner? I think we each got one}
my own Betty Bop lip gloss {hello!?!} & this adorable little candy box. I loved how Sheryl tore out a page from the dictionary to decorate the top of the box & then how she put the heart right over the Honeybee. AaaHHh!!
I loved it so much that I made this photo the header for the H&H FaceBook page this month.
Hope the taped piece that appeared on Studio 5 & this post have inspired you to run out & get a valentine box of your own. Remove the content inside
{either toss all the chocolate or eat & enjoy it!}
& fill it up with sweet, thoughtful gifts for a loved one or a friend. Such a thoughtful gift to give someone to show them how much you really do care.
Happy Hearts Day everyone- XoXo!