
Get to the PoinT!


  I LoVE a garland! No matter the season there is ALWaYS a reason to hang up a banner.
{Quickly becoming one of my life's philosophies!} 
Just look how cute this is to welcome in Lucky Day which is right around the corner.  
{No pinching allowed in this house, we're 1/2 Irish!} 

This year I thought it would be fun to hang up some glittery, shimmery gold.  I went to the party store {Zurchers} & purchased a fringe garland. {for about $7}  Brought it home & it just looked a little plain & sad. It didn't have that PaZaaZZ I was hoping for so I decided to give it some edge & jazz it up just a bit.  
Disclaimer:  You will learn AlOT about me in these next pictures. I'm a crafter not a sewer so my rotary cutter is used for all sorts of things besides fabric. 

-How to make a gold fringe garland with some edge!- 

1. I left the garland attached to the packaging so it made it easier to cut through {a-ha!} & it kept all the garland intact. 

 2. I cut of 1/2 of the inner cardboard packaging so I could more easily cut through the glitter strands but still had something firm to hold onto to cut. 

3. I lined up my ruler to the center point & outside edge of the triangle I wanted to create.  

4.  Just start cutting!  I had to push fairly hard to get through all the layers & strands but it worked! Once that side was done I just repositioned my ruler to the center again & lined up the other outside edge of the triangle. 

 5.  Ta-Dah!  A fresh, updated gold garland with some future gold confetti strands to use later. {Bonus!}   
To finish it off, hold up the garland & give it a "hair cut" with a pair of scissors.  Cutting off some loose long strands & trimming it up a bit.  

* I will say that after I got it done & opened it up I decided to re wrap it all & cut off a another inch or so. I liked the look of a smaller triangle a bit better than a longer one.  

-Oh, If you still can't get enough of garlands & banners.... Here are links to past posts of mine where I've shown more ideas on decorating with them. Take a peek!
Also {Here} is the link to a Studio 5 segment on a little shin-dig my friends & I host. It talks about how easy it is to decorate an event using garlands. {Fun- ideas!} 

A fabulous event is the perfect reason to hang up a garland so mark your calender for a charming little boutique coming up
The Hive
Thursday, March 21st {opening Night!} 6-8:30
Friday, March 22nd 10-2 
Saturday, March 23rd 10-3  
-4011 Lilac Lane in Mt. Green- 
 I have a hunch there will be lots of garlands hanging up. 
{psst.... I'm the one in charge of decorating!}

Come check it out, see the amazing vendors that will be selling their goods & bring a friend or 2 along with you.  I love to make new friends & I'd love to meet YOU!! 

Thanks for stopping by. 
Leave a comment & say HeLLo!!
{*Don't forget to enter the Glitter TwiNE GivEAWAY below!}



  1. I'm excited to come to the Hive. The main reason I'm coming is I'm hoping to meet you and Annie. But of course, I always want to buy something cute for my house!

  2. Good Job on Studio 5 Melissa. Can't wait to see all of the fun stuff at the Hive. I always go home with great one of a kind treasures. Angela L.

  3. Melissa - I LOVE how you cut the metallic banner. You make dollar store stuff look SOOOOO cool! The end of the rainbow is looking pretty sweet!

  4. Yea! You did awesome. :) I love the End of the Rainbow banner. I forgot to tell you last week how much I loved the Marquee this month. :)


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