
A random post

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  I love having something over & done with that you have been in charge of & worrying about- WheW! It's a good feeling. 
{Now onto the next thing- right?!?}  
That's life- there is always something you can't wait to cross of the to-do list & then you look down the list & see the next thing looking right back at you.  
Deep Breath & keep going

But I wanted to come back & share a picture of the SWeeTeST cake I've seen in a long time.  I hope to reinvent this on my Schmoopie & my 50th wedding anniversary.  
{Yummy carrot cake, my Favorite, to celebrate our friends the Kartchner's 50th wedding anniversary} 
Served on 
-Served on a rustic wood cake stand of coarse, not to mention the darling little cake topper-

-Photo courtesy of my friend- Rachel- 
Isn't it just charming, simple & sweet?
There was a quick snap shot of it shown on Studio 5 last week but I thought it deserved it's own little post on my blog. 

Speaking of taking a deep breath... this is the lastest project I'm involved in- 
The sun will come out tomorrow......ANNiE!
  I'm happy to say that my 3 girls & I are in our upcoming community theatre's production of Annie.
I stepped out of my comfort zone 
{did something I haven't done since High School} 
& auditioned for a part in the play, nothing specific. 
I was THRiLLeD to be given the part of Lily St. Regis. I'm so excited to get to sing- Easy Street, Easy Street & tap into my inner Jersey girl.
{My Mom was born in Jersey City} 

I'm also looking forward to meeting all the Swap-ettes
{those who are returning & those that will be new}
at the 365 Swap round 3. It should be great & the Cultivate girls & I are already dreaming up some new fabulous decor for #3. 
{Thanks to everyone who hurried over & grabbed a ticket on our blog & for those of you who didn't get one this time- don't worry there will always be #4 to look forward to}

Lots to look forward to-  
{and lots to keep checking off the to-do list} 


Oh, Yeah! Remember this GiVEAWAY?  I never heard from the winner 
so K if you are still out there email me your address please! ;) 

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited to come see you and your girls in Annie and for the swap! I love having things to look forward to. Good luck with all of that practicing.


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