
It's coming.... Swap #3 {but now it's SOLD OUT!! }

YiPPee!  It's time for round 3 of the famous  
& {the Original} 365 Swap.  
This time we are doing something a bit different & actually selling tickets to come to the Swap.  
{But you better hurry if you want to come - there are limited tickets available} 

Go to the Cultivate blog to purchase your ticket & learn more about the 365 Swap. 
You can also go {Here} & {Here} to see what it's all about. 

Maybe I'll see you at the Swap
{I already have a great pile of stuff to unload- yeah!

Looking forward to start planning & creating the Swap decor with the 5 other {Cultivate} girls. This is something I have been inspired by for my little decor to bring to the party-you can see what has inspired me {here
-come fly away- love it! I better learn how to fold paper airplanes ;)-


  1. Do you have a waiting list for tickets? I really should have purchased two when I got mine. I have a friend I'd really like to bring. If you have a waiting list, can I be on it for one ticket?


  2. I know the response was fantastic! I'll find out about a waiting list but as of right now I don't think so :(


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}