
A peek inside my {clean} pantry!

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  This just might be one of the most popular rooms in our home.  My kids love going in here throughout the day 
{& eating everything in sight} & guests, friends & visitors that come to our home always love to see it.  Even if they have seen it before if there is someone that hasn't they love to ask if they can show them.  Especially now that I was up late cleaning, wiping down & organizing - it is worth showing off. 
{before it gets messed up again} 
It's a little hidden treasure in our home {I'll explain why} 
 At first glance it might just look like a cupboard door but then...... 

The perfect little hidden spot in the kitchen. 

 I just love these bright red cubbies to hold all of this & that. I had these built after a photo I was inspired by in a Sundance Catalog & loved the look of them. 
{proud to say that my Hubby & I painted them ourselves 
before we moved in} 
-Love the old vintage metal signs up top & also the old glass 2-liter A&W bottle-
We really do have Pancake breakfast almost every weekend-whole wheat pancakes-yum! 
 Each bin is labeled with what belongs in it.  
{sometimes things get misplaced} 
I just used scrapbook metal tags that I had & just nailed them into the wood. 

The muffin mix bin with my collection of glass vases & such off to the side. 
 A look of the end wall {to the side of the red bins}  Love having all this space to store cake stands, wire baskets, vases, candle sticks & various cooking machines on the shelves. Having the deep freezer in here too is also nice. The rolling shelves off to the side are great for food storage purposes. 
{LoTS of canning jars just waiting to be filled up with jams, jellies, tomato sauce & salsa.  Better get busy- when to find the time who knows! ;)} 
 This is looking from inside the pantry back out into our kitchen & family room.  I like to think of it as more than a pantry but as a staging area, servery & storage of all 
things entertaining as well. The best part is that the door can be shut & it can all be hidden- the chip bags left half open, cereal smashed on the floor & even granola bar wrappers left on the shelf. 
{love it!} 

That's all for today-  happy that it's all clean & everything is in it's place- ahhh! 


  1. Ah..I still love that pantry. It is one of the MANY wonderful features of your house.

    side note: have your been over to mailbox moments lately? We are having a special link-up each Monday for 4 weeks. We have even given you a prompt for each Monday. You are invited to join us. Click over and read :)

    @ Mailbox Moments

  2. I'm thrilled to see that you have muffin mixes, Hamburger Helper and Mac&Cheese in the pantry...glad to know I'm not the only one who doesn't make everything from scratch!

  3. Oh, Diana of coarse our shelves are loaded with that stuff- kids have to have Mac & Cheese, right?? :)

  4. Amazing pantry! I love how it's kind of hidden! What a fantastic feature. And that red shelf...killer!!!

  5. ...came back to tell you that if I was doing pinterest, I'd pin all these pictures.:)


  6. Easily my favorite room in the house. :) I was thinking about when Dad hid in there and scared the girls when they went to get Popsicles.


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