
As seen on TV- the SPiCY, SMokY SMoreS recipe

CAUTION- These are addicting!! 
{they also pack a powerful, flavorful punch- but they are good!} 

I love these because it's Smores but without all the smoke in your eyes & stinky clothes for hours afterwards.  
{Does anyone feel the same way as I do about campfires?} 

I was introduced to these delightful treats last week when my husband's sweet Aunt brought them up to a family dinner we were having at our home.  
{Thanks for sharing the recipe Bonnie!} 

So here you go- 
-SPiCY, SMokY SMoreS-

2 Sticks of unsalted butter- melted.
2 1/2- 3/4 Cups Graham Cracker Crumbs {about 3 paper packs} 
1/3 Cup Sugar 
1/2 tsp. Sea Salt 
  Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line the bottom and sides of a 9x13 pan with tin foil, leave about a 4" overhang on each side.  
{You'll use this overhang to lift the bars out of the pan to cut up} Butter the foil bottom of the pan. 
  Grind up the Graham Crackers in a food processor.  In a bowl combine crumbs, sugar & salt.  Pour melted butter over it & blend well. Put into foil-lined pan and press well. Reserve 1/2 cup of Graham Crackers. Cool on rack. 

2 cups of semi-sweet chocolate chips & 2 broken up milk chocolate Hershey bars in a bowl. Melt in microwave  for about 45 sec. and then stir well. If you need to heat anther 45 sec & mix again- don't over heat!  
  Once it is well mixed stir in 1/2-3/4 tsp of Cayenne Pepper {Wha-za!!} & stir well together.  Pour over the cooled Graham Cracker crust & spread well.  
  Sprinkle 3 1/2 cups mini-marshmallows over the top of the chocolate & then top with reserved crumbs. Place under the broiler & watch CAREFULLY- marshmallows will brown quickly.  Wait until completely cooled before lifting them out of pan to serve. 
Cut up & Enjoy!!
{Don't forget to serve them on a cakestand or create a level!! ;)}  
Here is the Smores television debut in case you missed it yesterday.  I thought they looked great on camera.


This post has also been linked up to a "Link-Party" 
go here to check them all out. 
key lime


  1. Melissa, great job! You did it again! The woodsy, would really fit in here in OR. Also thanks for the message about Nora, it has been a rough couple of days but she is doing good. She gave a big smile about the massage comment. Tell everyone hello!

  2. You did such a great job and you looked super cute. Thanks for saving some fiery smores for Matt, it made his day!


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