
A sure sign of Summer......

-ZUCCHiNi- lining the kitchen countertops. 
  One of my favorite things about Summertime is fresh home grown ZuCChiNi from the garden. 
{& it usually keeps coming & coming all Summer long! We have already used one & given one away & look how many 
more there are still to use up} 

 There is just so many ways you can cut, slice, dice & grate Zucchini in the Summer before you start to get tired of it. But I have a couple of great recipes I love to make when the Zucchini start to come on in the garden that are fabulous & are a little bit different way to use zucchini.  
Zucchini Tacos & Chocolate Zucchini Cake.
{they are both delicious!} 
-freshly grated zucchini piled high & ready to dump into the batter- 

-All well mixed & ready to pour in the pan- 

Chocolate Zucchini Cake
2 Cups. Sugar 
1 tsp. Soda
1 tsp. Salt 
1/2 Cup Cocoa
2-1/2 Cups Flour 
1/4 tsp. Baking Powder 
Sift all together & then add:
3 Eggs 
3 tsp. Vanilla 
2 Cups Grated Zucchini
1 Cup Oil 
1/2 Cup Milk 

Bake for 350 degrees for 35-40 minutes in a pan that has been greased & floured. Cool completely. 
Frost with:  1/4 Cup Butter, 1 tsp. Vanilla, 3 oz. Cream Cheese, 2 Cups Powdered Sugar.  Mix well and spread over the cooled cake. 

 Ta-Dah!  The finished product topped with a tasty cream cheese frosting & served on one of my favorite cake stands just waiting to be devoured. 
{ReMeMBeR- everything looks better served on a cake stand. 
one of Ms. Honeybee's motto's to live by} 

Since it has Zucchini in it- it's okay to eat 
1, 2 or 3 pieces, it's 1/2 vegetable right?! 
{well at least I will tell myself that- wink,wink}  
Give it a try- I think you'll like it. I even fooled one little non- veggie eater in my house with this cake.  

I made this cake in honor of my Sweet Grandma Hall who turns 93 today.  She is an amazing lady & I have learned so much about how to be a mother, wife & business women from her example & teachings in my life. Love her so much! 



  1. Your cake looks delicious! We LOVE tacos at our house....I would love to hear your zucchini taco recipe too!

    P.S. Love your blog!

  2. Thanks Michelle! I will post the Taco recipe when I make it next- hope you try the cake & like it.

  3. Yup- that's what I was gonna say, too. Gotta know about those Zucchini tacos! That sounds really fun! (p.s.- I am hugely missing my garden this time of year :( )

  4. This is one of my favorite cakes in the whole world!! I am looking forward to the taco recipe :) I am loving all those 31's you've got pictured in your top post! Always love your things!!

  5. Sorry that was Tiffany--I was signed in with my daughters account!!


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