
Mark your calendars & you're welcome.

  I went to Fleattitude last weekend & had a grand time.  You might have seen some pics that I posted on Instagram.  Everything that I talked about on Studio 5 was there- thermos', wooden ironing boards, vintage baking pans {yes, I got another one!} children's school chairs, globes... everything!  If you missed it don't fret because look. 

There's another one coming up on August 9th.  Go ahead & just mark your calendars now.  By the way how adorable are these little reminder cards stuck on vintage playing cards.  Jenn & Cathie are genius! 

While you've got your calendar out go ahead & jot all these dates down.  There is lots of great flea markets & shows coming up. 

This is another fabulous find I got at Fleattitude.  Just what a honeybee who loves bracelets & vintage needs!  This is made by the talented duo of Steve & Joni Bateman.  Vintage silverware & an old bus token coin with a bumble bee in the center.  Too perfect!  I just had to get it once I laid eyes on it. 
{If you're interested in one of their designs or see what show they will be at next email them-}

Have you gone antique shopping, stopped by a yard sale or went antiquing lately?  
{I hope so!}


1 comment:

  1. I am still totally in love with that bracelet! Thanks for including the vendor's contact info.

    Hit an AWESOME estate sale today--amazing stuff, low prices. Only bummer part was I had my 3 kids with me, and the smallest one chose that moment to totally refute his reputation as a really good baby. He cried and fussed the whole time and I know I had to leave good stuff behind because I had to shop in a hurry. :( Rats!


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