
Hello May!


The Sale is now CLOSED!  Thanks to everyone who ordered. Invoices have been sent out.  THaNKS! 

  Yay, it's May! Oh, my goodness Summertime is almost here.  I love this time of year & the excitement & anticipation that May seems to bring along with it's arrival.  

Since I'm not hosting a Summertime Hive this year I still wanted to offer a few things for sale that I think turned out super cute.

Time to start thinking about thank you's & what to give Teachers as an end of a year gift
{they really do deserve something nice, don't you think?} 
I rounded up a few of my favorite H&H things & had teachers in mind when I created them.  They are simple, cheerful & useful.   But keep in mind these are also great gifts to give a friend or to spruce up your home decor with too. 

The ever popular {they seem to sell out at The Hives} H&H magnet sets. This time around the collection is all bright & colorful.  Each set comes with 6 magnets & they will vary in colors, prints & patterns.  So.... if you have 3 teachers on your gift giving list guess what- they'll each get a unique set.  Or... if you have a neighbor you need to give a gift too & you want a set for yourself guess what... no two will look alike, so you're good!  

 H&H blocks are always a hot seller too. I love these school themed blocks.  Paired up in groups of 2 but please feel free to order one set or two to mix & match, stack up, give away or display in your home.  Any teacher would love to have these out in their classroom, office or in their home I'm sure.  

-Block size 3 1/2 x3 1/2- 

If you can't decide & just want them all here you go!  Look how cute they all look stacked up. Would look fabulous on a shelf, desk or cabinet in your home.  



  1. Hi Melissa,

    could you save the second set of magnets for me, and just add it to my growing order?
    Thank you
    Angela L

  2. You got it Angela & 10% off. Thanks so much!

  3. Hi, Coud I purchase the whole set of teacher blocks?


    Elizabeth Smith

  4. Happy MAY DAY!!!! I love your cute school blocks - I would like to buy a full set of them. THX!!!

  5. HI Elizabeth-
    Yes, you can. I just need your email from you to send the invoice to. Please email me at Thanks.

  6. Got you down Natalie, thanks!! :)


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