
Serving up some good news!


  So happy that I can answer a question for you that I get asked all the time. You know I have a cake stand collection, right?  Well.. of coarse I do, I collect just about everything under the sun!  Cake stands have been one of the very first things I started collecting & accumulating over the years.  I use them for just about everything... oh, & I ALWAYS serve cakes on them too.  

I got these specific tin ones years ago.  I love them!  I always receive emails & comments asking where I got them from. I always reply that I don't know because I ordered them online & can't remember from where.  Well.... guess what. You are all now in luck & can get your very own.  

I went into the fabulous shop To Market last week & to my delight they had a whole bunch of them set out in their amazing displays & they are for SALE.  Run, ladies, run!!  
-5 North Main Street in Kaysville.  Open Wend-Sat 11-6. By the way isn't that the cutest store front?-  
I couldn't wait to share the news & told the sweet owners, Melanie & Holly I would sent everyone their way.  So be sure to tell them hi from the Honeybee! 
{I love supporting local businesses & friends!} 

The cake stands vary in height & size so you may want to pick up a couple. {Careful:  that's how collections start!}  When I ordered mine, I got two.  The tall skinny one & the traditional round cake size one.  So great!! 

While you're there check out their amazing NEW chalk & clay paint that just arrived.  I think they are only the 2nd store to carry Cece Caldwell's paint in Utah.  WoW!!  They just set it all out today, go take a peek. 

Thanks for stopping by & happy shopping! 


1 comment:

  1. Ok, it looks like we need another day to go shopping!!!


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