
A Holiday Home Tour


  Hello... friends. Welcome into my home on Lilac Lane. I'd love to share with you a peek at a few of my favorite spots around our house this Holiday season

-Jingle bells always on the front door to welcome friends & guests into our home around the Holidays- 
The stair ledge... one of my absolute favorite places to decorate. I love the hodge podge feel of this skinny, tiny long space.  I literally stuff this, that & whatever together & it always turns out great.  

 I never worry about if it all will tie together or making colors match or anything like that. The only thing I make sure of is that there is a variety of height to make it look great in the end.  Love placing tall things next to short stubby items.  
-The chalkboard countdown is from an H&H Christmas show years ago but it's still one of my favorite things to get out each year.  Love how the new Silent Night board I got this year looks by some vintage H&H frames.- 
-Something I love to collect is vintage record cases.  The colors of Rudolph record just made me giddy.  Something about old fashioned color combos just make me happy! How cute is that picture of my Mom as a little girl with Santa.-

My ornament collection gets tucked into the vintage chicken feeder on a nice pile of fake white snow each & every year. I can't help it or think of anywhere else it should be on display because I adore the contrast of colors all together on the yellow coffee table bench. 

-Great thing to have by the couch, a great conversation peice. Love to find at least one vintage or unique ornament a year.  Ok, sometimes it's like 2 or 3 a year- 

This wire cubby rack gets filled with all the glittered houses, barns & churches I seem to collect. Along with my bottle brush tree collection. {I'm a little obsessed!} Oh, they are so much fun to collect!  The best part is I can keep them up for months size the snow outside seems to stay around for ever around these parts.  I have houses & trees in all sizes, colors & shapes.  

-The little centerpiece of our kitchen table this year.  Created the snowy scape just with sprinkling some sugar down & around the homes & rooftops & then added some glittered snow balls for some fun. So charming & sweet!- 
This Christmas H&H Frame & Hook holds a vintage glittered poinsetta postcard.  I love poinsettias this time of year.  So timeless & lovely! 

The shelf in our mudroom is all about brightness & cheer!  All different colors mingled together to welcome in the Holidays as well as friends & guests into our home.  
-Lately I'm into collecting tiny wreaths of all kinds.  I have some bottle brush ones, vintage plastic ones & a silver glitter one.  They are fun!- 
 Sometimes there just is enough time to spell something out on the marquee board. Thank goodness I had a big stash of vintage inspired Christmas paperie & cards.  I simply snug them into place & I loved how it all turned out. 

Of coarse the {treat} snack station that's out during the Holidays. I always make sure there are lots of nuts, chocolate & sweets out for visitors & family to enjoy.  The gingerbread house is the Q girls version for 2013.  

 I'm in love with this truck!  It sits down stairs on our sofa table & is loaded up with old Christmas light bulbs.  Some of them came from my Grandma's house which means alot to me, reminds me of my childhood & Christmas Eve's spent at her home.  The rest are ones I've found here & there & also some that have come off our trees in the yard when we need to replace a bulb or two. 
 The downstairs book case got stuffed with anything vintage Christmas childhood inspired.  I grouped everything together that had an oldtime feel & bright cheerful colors. 

-A vintage H&H product.  These were so fun to make.  What list are you on this year? -
-This Santa I rescued out of the garbage at my Grandma's house.  I'm a sucker for anything retro!  This jolly fellow just had to come home with me to hang out on the mantle.- 
-The whole thing.  Love the cheerfulness of the space! A great place to wake up to on Christmas Morning- 
 This sweet nativity sits in my girls room every year.  I bought it years ago & it's been such a treasure. I love the simplicity & bright colors.  It's fun to watch my girls set it up each year.  They place each piece out just so.  

 This next picture is something I'm really excited about. I've been waiting & waiting almost a year to see it out. I found these round, resin, HEAVY wheels at Smith & Edwards one rainy, cold winter day.  I've held onto them for a year figuring out how I would display them.  

At first they were all going to be candle sticks but then I decided to show off a few of my favorite glass ornaments  & add some bling by puddling jingle bells around one of the bases.  So fabulous!  Love the way it looks with the glow of the Christmas tree lights at night
{I wish you all could see it!} 

Hope you enjoyed a small peek into our home this Holiday season.  If you'd like to see more inspiration to Deck the Halls go {Here} or {Here

Happy Holidays!


  1. How fun to get a walk-through of your Christmas wonderland. I love how every nook and cranny is filled with loving details. Very clever with your marque board...i might have to try that :) I hope you have a most Magical Christmas!!! love ya Friend.

  2. Love it all Melis! I love your ledge and your mantle downstairs. Everything is fabulous! Thanks for the peak..

  3. So magical. I love to get inspiration from you. You are the best decorator ever.
    Merry Christmas!
    ANgela L.

  4. i adore your whole house! where is that darling silent night from? did you make it?

  5. Love it all! So cute, so you!! Love the light bulbs in the back of the truck too!!


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