
Oldies but goodies!


  So.. I have this super awesome friend who is always looking out for me, giving advice & helping me when it comes to all things blogging. {I'm still learning!}  We talked today on the phone & she said, "Meliss, you need to put up some of your favorite past Christmas posts on your sidebar for people to look at."  So I took her advice, got off the phone & put some of my favorites up for you to look at.  
{Thanks for the advice friend, love ya!} 

-Look to the side to see pics & links- 

Sharing a favorite decorating idea, yummy recipe & super simple art project.  
{working on figuring out how to share the art project in printables, I'll let you know.}

Off to Temple Square to look at all the Christmas lights, dinner with my family & sister {to celebrate her B-Day} & listen to Mace in her HS School Girls Choir sing Christmas Songs on Temple Square. Should be a festive night! 

*oh, my super fabulous friend also helped me fix the RaffleCopter on my blog so be sure to enter the BiG giveaway HERE 
{Too much great stuff not to enter!} 


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Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}