
Lots of Love


  You can never have to many cheerful Valentine banners & garlands hanging up around the house.
{I'm secretly hoping it will send lots of love our way & scare the Flu bug out of our house!  Another little sick girl, AuGH!!} 

This is a picture I posted on Instagram of the shelf in our mudroom. Yep, I like to cluster garlands together- the more the merrier, right?! 

That's not all the garlands & banners that are dripping around here. There are also 2 hanging above the kitchen island & 3 more downstairs on the mantle in the family room.  Love this month!! 
{Be back to share ideas for some of my favorite 
V-Day Traditions!}

Oh, don't forget you can follow me on Instagram if you want 


1 comment:

  1. You can never have too many garlands! Perfect month for them too. Mimi


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