
Happy February & Football!!

  Hello.... love month!  
Yay, we made it through January, sometimes it's a looooong month to get through.  Today I'm busy boxing up all my wintertime decor {even though there is still plenty of white stuff on the ground outside} I just figured it's time to be put away & make room for lots of LoVE. 

Found a few things recently that I have fallen in LoVE with that I wanted to share with you.  They also have me thinking of this weekend, football & of coarse what to eat on Sunday evening.  
{Always love Super Bowl Sunday!} 

I LoVE this blog called, What Katie Ate.  I'm so inspired by her photography, I just love her style & flair.  Her recipes are pretty gourmet at times but everything she photographs looks so darn good! I especially thought these apple, sausage rolls looked finger licking good & paired with a cool bottle of pop even better!   
{I might need to plan a trip to Australia just to get some bottles to add to my collection ;)} 

Also check out these adorable cake balls my sister, Becca, made for her office party today.  Almost to sweet to want to eat but I'm sure I could eat a dozen or so ;)

- Too cute & creative! The Quig's will order 2 dozen! - 
Happy 1st day of February & happy football watching this weekend.  I'm sure that bottled pop, chicken wings & guacamole among other things will be eaten by us on Sunday. 
{Can't Wait!}



  1. I'm also a fan of What Kate Ate.

  2. I'm on my way over to Kate's blog! Thanks for sharing. Mimi

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