
You've Got Mail!


  Oh, how I need something cheerful & happy to look at today.  I really feel like I'm in a bit of a wintertime slump lately. {Anyone else feel that way?}  
All the cold weather we've having {& still getting over a cold} makes me just want to hibernate under some warm blankets, watch some TV or a movie & just do nothing! So that's exactly what I did today watched one of my favorite all time flicks- You've Got Mail. 
{Love that show & now I want to cut off my hair like Meg Ryan's & plan a trip back to New York City.} 
One of my favorite lines in the movie is when Joe Fox says, "Don't you just love New York in the Fall? It makes me want to go buy school supplies"  

Well imagine my surprise when I sat down at my computer today & realized I've got mail! I received an email from my friend, Courtney, sharing the pictures from our Gourmet Club {Back to School themed} from last Fall that she took.

The menu for the night but I think my FaVORITE thing of the evening was the adorable garland made out of straws that hung off the chalkboard- so cute! 
It was all so charming & delightful. I could have looked at the decor all night long.  The vintage flashcards, sharpened pencils, lined school paper, stacks of vintage books the whole thing was so incredibly adorable! 
-Has me dreaming of warmer weather & longing to be outside again- 
This is me with my cute friends, the hosts of the dinner, Erika & Angie.  They did a fabulous job of setting the tone for the dinner from start to finish.  Amazing decor & tasty food! 
-Love these girls & how sneaky they are!  They specifically gave me a Orange polka dot napkin just because they knew it would bug the SV Bobcat in me. Little did they know I would be wearing a navy blue shirt, rival HS colors & their alma mater, to complete my outfit-  
You can see more pics from this cute Gourmet night 
{believe me tons of ideas & inspiration} 
over on the Delish My Dish blog. 
{the link is always up on my sidebar- lots of recipes too!} 

This was my fun take away from the night a brown paper sack loaded with recipes & goodies & a giant carmel apple.  I mean..look, at what the stick is for the apple a big pencil- so cute! Those girls thought of every little detail. 

Looking forward to getting together with all these fabulous ladies next week for another terrific Gourmet Club I'm sure.  Such a fun group to be a part of. Great friends, yummy food & always an amazing atmosphere. Don't worry I'll share pics soon. 
-Erika has the cutest patio furniture by the way- so colorful!-

Have a happy rest of the day! 


  1. Oh, Lesa me too! My favorite time of year, love the Falls I spent up on campus.

  2. Totally feel the same way winter slump. However I just realized that i could view your instagrams and that made me happy to look at something new. I especially love your snowflake collection. I have 7 of my own and want to get more to fill my chicken feeder. Please share, where do you find all of your snowflakes????
    Love them
    Angela L


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}