
Valentines garland that's a cinch!


  Whew... what a week it's been at our house. The flu hit! {luckily only 2 of us out of 5 & that's because 1 was in a different country all week} 
We are on the mend & feeling much better.   

I've come to the realization that I should try & anticipate the next holiday a bit sooner {on the blog} than I normally do in the real life.  This is a hard thing for me since in real life on Lilac Lane decor changes on the 1st day of the new month
{I don't know why, that's just the way I like it. V-Day decor will go up this Friday!} 

I've noticed there are many out there sharing V-Day ideas, decor & anticipating gift giving weeks ahead of the before the 1st of the month. So in an effort to look forward just a bit here is a darling garland idea to make.  It is so quick, easy & requires almost no time at all. 
{I made mine while watching Cosby Show re-runs with my girls, they love that show!} 
Saw it in this month's MS Living. You might even have all the supplies you need already in the house. Look closely, can you
Guess... what it's made of?  

- A Heart Zip-Tie Garland- 
Doesn't this tug at your heart strings just a bit- so simple!
  I mean come on, look at the darling shadow it casts when it's hung up. A.dor.a.ble

When I saw it in the magazine I loved it's simplicity & charm. I thought the bright neon colors were a fun twist to Valentines decor too. 

I got my zip-ties at Home Depot. There are all sorts of colors & sizes to choose from.  I got a big pack of fluorescent colors {500 for $10} & bought a smaller bag of white ones to throw into the mix too. 
-Love the pink & white mix- very traditional Valentines!- 

Take a zip tie {I used 8 inch ones}
fold & zip together in place to form a circle-
then just pinch the bottom of the circle to form the point of a  heart
& just repeat, weaving the next zip tie through the formed heart & just keep going & going.... 
{Yep, it's that simple!} 

Make the garland as long as you would like to hang just about anywhere in your home.  They are so easy to make I might just make one for a couple of places in our home. 
{The mudroom, above the kitchen island, family room mantle...} 

Happy Monday everyone, hope you have a fabulous week!



  1. I think I am missing part of your post! There is no picture of you garland - Aleshia

  2. Aleshia, I don't know what happened. Hopefully it's all up & running now- Happy {soon to be} Hearts Day!

  3. Love this my friend! Are you going to hang it in between your lights? How cute would the pink and white be with your black and white straw garland. Pink, red, white and black! Ooh, can't wait to see all of the decor up on Friday, hope that you are feeling better friend. Love ya

  4. I made something like this out of pipe cleaners. So darn cute and so darn easy! Love!

  5. My kind of project, fast and easy! Adorable too. Mimi


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