
A bit of a change


  Truth is I've never really loved the layout of our family room downstairs.  For one thing the TV is on one wall & the fireplace is on the opposite wall so they are always competing for attention.  I WiSH we would have thought about it a little more when we built our home.  Anyway... I think some changes might be on the horizon sometime hopefully soon.  But for now I put on a little band aid on a sore spot that drives me NuTS!  

As I was sitting watching Top Chef Seattle
{one of my must see shows each week!}  with my daughter. 
{Yep, another girl home sick from school today- 
when will this Flu leave our house!!} 
I thought to myself, if I have to look at those ugly TV, DVR, Wii cords sticking out all over the floor, I'm going to scream. Not to mention if I had to chase Mr. Olly out from behind the white bench one more time. 
{It's his hiding spot & he usually unhooks the TV cords while he's back there too}  
So I jumped right up & did a little bit of rearranging.  

-The Before- 

-Yep, took a picture just as I was looking at it on the couch.  Toys, a half empty glass, blanket thrown on the floor & all. Keeping it real ;) - 

-The After- 

-Ahh... for now it works! NO more cords sticking out, no more hiding spot for Mr. Olly everything up & off of the floor.  I'm still in LoVE with the green medal cabinet I got last year, it's so cool & unique!- 

Oh, this feels a little like a breath of fresh air.  Which we desperately need in this house!  ;)  So ready for Spring to get here so I can open up the windows & let the sunshine in without freezing! Also looking forward to thinking about making more changes to this room... soon. 
{I mean BiG changes!} 
Stay tuned.



  1. I love the small changes. It makes a big difference and excited to see the BIG changes too.
    Did you decide not to do the Valentine Hive, because of all the sickness?
    Angela L

  2. I think it looks great! I can't wait to see what you're going to do. I wish my great room was arranged a little differently but I probably won't do anything about it.

  3. Cute cute cute! I just love your style!

  4. Thanks everyone! I've loved the little change too so far- makes a big difference. Got to watch Cars tonight with my hubby & girls & the new set up was nice to look at.

  5. Oh, to answer your question Angela, yes! I was wondering why I wasn't "feeling" doing The Hive in Feb. & now I know why. More info. coming soon- I promise. All this sickness has wiped me out a bit.

  6. I hear you about looking forward to spring! Love that filing cabinet thing you've got goin' on there. A breath of fresh air, indeed.

  7. It's amazing what even little changes do! Great little cabinet. Mimi

  8. ohhhhh your magic!! I love small changes all the time....makes things stay fresh..:) LOVE that green cabnent too! And Do i have a feeling there is going to be painting involved???


  9. I am just like you! I can only let little things drive me nuts for so long and then I have to jump up and fix it!! Why no put the tv above the fireplace??

  10. Love it! I too love your green piece. If you ever get sick of it, just let me know.


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