
Let the LoVE begin!


Hello.... LoVE week!  Looking forward to many, many fabulous things this week.  I love the joy of giving, receiving & being around people I love & doing things that I love to do. 

This is a little display in our front entry this week.  Got to use my cool Valentine inspired pop bottles I bought in No. Carolina a couple of months ago. 
Loved them then & still in love with them today. 

I was watching Oprah's Lifeclass this morning & really liked a quote that was shared by her guest, 
Rick Warren, author of a Purpose Driven Life. 
{Loved it so much I wrote it down, yep- I keep a notebook by me when I watch it}  

The greatest use of your life is to love. 
The greatest expression of love is time 
The greatest time to love is NoW! 

So excited for things I have coming up this week:

*Watching Mace in her final BB  Tournament of the year 
*Making Valentines with Audrey & Emily for their classmates 
{probably for the last time :( going to the big Middle School next year} 
*Making Sugar Cookies & decorating them with my girls 
*Our traditional {& FaVORITE} Family Home Evening activity- heart attacking some unsuspecting neighbors- so fun!
*Valentine's Day & our traditional Q family dinner with my Schmoopie & girls. 
*Looking forward to watching a segment on Studio 5 this Wends. featuring my Cultivate friends  & I.  
{Sharing some Valentine gift ideas!} 
*Friday spending the day down at My Craft Channel with a sweet friend
{Yippee- so excited!!} 

Hope you all have a delightful week ahead full of lots of XoXo's



  1. I really love that quote you shared from Oprah! Thank you! It reminds me not to get down on myself for having a messy house, not accomplishing the things i wanted to, etc.. Its nice to be reminded that LOVE=TIME, and there is no greater gift I would rather give my loved ones than my TIME! Beautiful! (So i guess the dishes will have to wait ;) Anyway- fun post! Love you!

  2. Thanks for your comment, Mandy! Love you too- have a wonderful week.

  3. Oh how I LOVE the valentines on the old Typewriter! sooo cute and I love the pop bottles! Cant wait to see you and the cultivate girls on Studio 5 and also you on the Craft Channel. Woo hoo!

  4. You did it again-you rocked it! Love all the little cards. Your attention to detail is never lost on me! Love it all..almost as much as I love yoU! Excited for Friday!

  5. Such a cute display in your entry! Have a wonderful Valentine's day with you adorable family. Mimi


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}