
What's for dinner tonight!


  Wanted to share with you one of our families FaVORITE dinners with you.  {Oh, I love anything to do with Honey!} 
I posted this picture on Instagram yesterday & heard from so many people who wanted to give it a try.  I got the recipe from my friend Suzy, when she taught an amazing nutrition class, last year.  She taught at the gym I go to for all my exercise classes. 
{Love Lone Tree Yoga!

I learned so much from her & tried many new things in my diet & with my cooking.  I especially loved this recipe for Honey-Lime Pork Enchiladas. I have served it many, many times & every time I do everyone loves it. 
{So tasty & healthy for you too!} 

Thought you might like to give it a try this weekend or for planning your Super Bowl feast that will be before we know it.  Plus, it makes a lot- so even better! 
{Oh, these would be great addition to any party} 

Honey-Lime Pork Enchiladas
1.5 lbs pork, cooked and shredded - {I just place the pork in my crock pot, sprinkle with salt & pepper & let it cook all day.}
1/3 c honey
1/4 c lime juice, freshly squeezed
1 Tb chili powder
1/2 tsp garlic powder
2 (10 oz) cans green enchilada sauce

Equal parts mixed together of:
Mozzarella cheese, shredded
Cheddar cheese, shredded

Wheat tortillas, about 12

Fill tortillas with shredded meat and desired amount of cheese. Roll and place in dish. Pour sauce over enchiladas and sprinkle with cheese & chopped jalapenos if you'd like.   Bake uncovered at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. Then turn on broiler and place enchiladas nearer the top of oven. Let it broil until cheese is slightly brown and crispy.
{Dig in & enjoy!} 

For more recipes on healthy eating go to Suzy's blog 
Trust me they are all worth a try! 



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