
Popcorn + Marshmallows= Yumm!


  Little did I know that a year ago I would post something that would be "PiNNed" more than a whopping 6,000+ times 
{& that's just what I know of!}  
There are probably lots of families  & friends making & enjoying Marshmallow Popcorn out there.  

Have you tried it? If not what are you waiting for?!? ;)   
Did you re-pin it?  

It was such a fun post to type up. I love when things come easy to talk about & share when it's really something that I adore. You can see by the pictures in the post that we are passionate about popcorn in our house.  I thought I would repost it again for those of you who might have missed it the 1st time around.  It might just be the thing you are looking for to make this weekend for treat. So gosh darn good!   

Let me know if you try it or if it already a new family favorite that you make regularly now.  


- A Vintage H&H blog post - 


  Happy National Popcorn Day everyone! 
{we LoVE popcorn around here- it's one of our main food groups}
We even have a popcorn drawer in our kitchen that stores the packs of buttery goodness & even a bin solely dedicated to it in our pantry- funny, but so necessary! :) 
{don't believe me... here is proof!} 

-Well loved & used individual popcorn containers.  You have to have enough on hand for all the friends that come over for a snack-

-Love these window drawers in my kitchen- so fun!- 
We probably have popcorn almost every single day, the girls love to have it as a snack after school, when we watch a Basketball game on TV or just while watching a movie.  Our favorite everyday kind is good old fashioned 
butter & salt.
{thank goodness for microwave popcorn- so easy & fast}

But when it's a special night {or National Popcorn Day} this is what we make. 
This recipe has been a Hall family favorite {thanks Mom} for a long time. It's been fun to share the recipe with college roommates, in-laws, friends & neighbors over the years & everyone loves it! 

Marshmallow Popcorn 
2 bags of microwave popcorn {non-butter if you can} 
1 C. brown sugar 
1 C. butter {2 sticks}
1 bag BIG marshmallows 
-all the goodness in the pot just ready to mix & mingle all together- 
 Melt butter and brown sugar over medium heat. Stir in marshmallows until melted. Pour 1/2 of popped popcorn in a large bowl & pour 1/2 of the marshmallow mixture in & stir well together. Then add remaining popcorn & marshmallow- it's easier to mix that way. 
-DoNE- ahhh... liquid goodness!- 
{trust me you will- I'm not even that big of a marshmallow fan but I am when it comes to this- Yum-E!}
It's better to eat when it's warm & gooey but if you can't get to it for awhile or want to leave some for the next day just be sure to cover with plastic wrap.


  1. Thanks for sharing....i made this for our family movie night tonight and it was a big hit!! We too have a huge addiction to popcorn and we buy it by the case!! And I dont know if you have checked Target's dollar section lately but I bought the cutest little popcorn buckets similar to yours but half the size and they are adorable. You might want to add them to your collection...oh and targets dollar spot was half off so they were .50 cents!! Thanks again for sharing the YUMMY!!

  2. Oh, good Christa! Glad you made it & that everyone loved it. I saw those popcorn containers today actually, like the smaller size. So cute!


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