
Beat the blues!

  Hello... friends!  
Today has kind of been off to a slow start for me 
{which usually I'm an up & at em' kind of person} 
but I think all this negative degree cold, chilly weather is getting to me.  Makes it hard to get up & move! I just want to hibernate in my jammies all day. It's too cold outside to want to go anywhere & to getting ready just to stay home is kind of boring.  
{Anyone else out there feel the same?}  

But I didn't want to sit around all day so I decided to out of my PJ's, get dressed, put my make up on &some earrings {because that always makes me feel complete for the day!} amp; do SOMETHING!  I thought of what would make me happy 
{accomplishing something} & just do it. 
So I looked around the house and noticed this.....

Did anyone else's house look this way after this past weekend? Gotta love kids playing outside in the snow but I don't like the trail of wet gloves, snow pants, boots & hats that seem to stick around & leave such a mess.  

I got out the mop, bucket & some Lemon scented Pine Sol 
{my FAVORITE cleaning stuff- smells so fresh & clean} 
& decided to get to work.  

When I was little I loved coming home from school, walking in the front door & smelling Pine Sol.  I don't know why but I always loved when my Mom would mop our kitchen floor.  
To come home to that was such a homey, pleasant thing for me I guess. Hope my girls feel the same way today when they walk in the door

So I'm shaking off the winter blues today & mopping all my floors today, cranking up some tunes & having a ice water with lemon slice to keep me going & get to work.  
What are you doing to make it through the winter blues?  I'd love to hear. 
{off to work!!} 


1 comment:

  1. i love shopping for BRIGHT fabrics.....:) makes me happy!!!
    i also love the smell of pine cleaned floors....
    makes me feel accomplished...:)


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