
Last but not least....


  Super, over the top thrilled about all the vendors that are participating in the Hive this time around.  I'm also excited to have the Adorn-it Girls finally at a Hive. 
{I have been after them- ok more like begging & pleading for awhile now! ;)}

 So glad they had a free schedule on their calendar to come down- thanks girls!  

Take a peek at what they are bringing.... 
{oh, & start a shopping list now too}

Don't forget- 
Opening Night is this Thursday 5:30- 8:00 p.m. 
Friday 10:00-4:00 p.m. 
Saturday 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
-Hope to see you at The {Fall} Hive!!- 

**There is still time to "BuZZ" about The Hive & win a $25.00 gift certificate to spend at The Hive.  Click on Hector the Owl on the side bar for all the details. You have until tomorrow night to enter! **



  1. all of your vendors have such cute things to offer.
    Melissa, are you accepting credit cards?
    Angela L

  2. also are you going to sell your logs with the holes cut out for bottles?
    Angela L

  3. Oh My - those jackets are SOOOOOO cute! I am getting excited for this weekend :) Crossing my fingers!!!

  4. Angela- Yes & Yes! Thanks for asking & I know such great vendors coming this time- can't wait.

  5. Ah Man! I'm gonna miss the Adorn It Girls...my mom says how cute all of their stuff is!


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