
Oh, goodie!!


  Look what arrived on my porch today 
{did you know I was an importer of gourmet candies?}
 just in time for The {Fall} Hive. 
{this Thursday, Friday & Saturday} 
SPooKY & SWeeT it's always time for a TReaT!

Love all this yummy, sweet goodness.  The Hive will feature {this time around} A chocolate-y mix of caramels & a festive {& charming} Halloween mix.  Perfect to eat or set out for a colorful display.  
It's so fun to get for The Hive to share with all of you.

Just had to share-


  1. Halloween just isn't the same without treats!
    Angela L

  2. You are making my mouth water!!! Chocolate and Caramel - HEAVENLY!!!

    I am shouting it out on my FB!!!


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