

Sometimes you just have to ....... breathe!  That's what I'm feeling today.  I have been quite overwhelmed lately & just need a break.  I have about 101 things on my to-do list but I decided to throw them {ok, most of them} out the window today to just enjoy & relax.  I haven't stuck to really anything I was suppose to "get done" today instead I'm just seeing where today takes me & so far it's been great.  

So far I've been:

Pleasantly surprised finding this sweet note in my folder
{where I keep my to-do list & things to check off}
it was a delightful surprise & really made me re-focus & think about today in a whole new light- thanks to my sweet Audrey for making my day :) 

Setting up for The {Fall} Hive
{A day earlier than I was suppose to- according to my list} 
but it has been just the thing I needed.  It has totally 
re-charged & energized me.  It has brought some much needed inspiration today. 

Washing the windows- ahhh, things look so much better! 
Chatted on the phone with my Mom & sweet long distance friend today while I cleaned the house a bit. 
{Made the chores go by so much better.  Thanks Mom & C!} 

I also let myself sit down for a sec. & check out one of my ALL-TiME favorite blogs. I go {Here} for inspiration.  I just love it & every time I take a peek there is always something that makes me happy! Here are a few things that I liked & "pinned" from there today.  

Oh, this is perfect for something I've been dreaming up.  For now I'll file it away on my board of inspiration & one day, who knows it just might become a reality!

I think I know a few crafty girls I could invite to this craft party.  Think the whole thing sounds delightful.  Loved all the colors too!

Who cares if I haven't stuck to doing everything on my list today.  I feel great!  I feel like I have the energy & the inspiration to finish all the little last minute things I have left to do for The {Fall} Hive.  So glad I let myself take a different path than I thought I would today. 



  1. I came back to tell you I buzzed on my blog today about THE HIVE!! :)


  2. Great advice to BREATHE!!! Just want I needed to hear today. :)


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}