
What I wore Wednesday


 Apparently the color of the day was Gray!  

Some people might think that gray is a sad color. But I don't think of gray as a gloomy or blah color at all.  I love it! 
 Which leads me to ask the question- 
What color do you love to wear? 
Have you gotten out all the sweaters & cardigans to wear yet?

I don't know just something about today I wanted to be warm & comfy.  Maybe it was going to Zumba at 6 a.m.
{which is getting harder to do now that the weather is a bit chilly in the mornings... brr!} 
but the long sleeve shirt & sweater were just calling my name today. Love the Fall & getting to wear cozy, warm things!



  1. Jealous! It is still a little bit too warm for sweaters. I did wear jeans today. I consider that a fabulous thing! did you craft today?

  2. I guess I'm just too cold when I go to the gym in the mornings- I can't get my core temp. back up until afternoon! ;) I didn't craft today but I bought a bunch of supplies that I've needed to get to work!!

  3. I love Gray too, but I never wear it. I think I have a hard time figuring out what to wear with it since black seems to be the natural way to go, but I don't wear a lot of black.

    Favorite colors to wear probably white (can't go wrong with a white shirt) and then layer a cardigan or vest. :) That's pretty boring but it is probably the color I wear the most. Although I love to wear blue, yellow and red, but usually as a cardigan. :)

    You know me, cardigans never actually get put away and I'm excited to start getting out my sweaters soon!

  4. Oh, I love me a plain white T too. Thanks for the comment Becca, yay Fall weather!


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