
My weekend...


  Hi everyone!  Thanks for checking out the Deal of the Day yesterday, that was fun!  Thanks to those who placed an order now it's time to get busy, BUSY!!  The {Fall} Hive is less than a month away. 

-*Mark Your Calenders*
Thurs.{Opening Night} Oct. 11th 6-8:30 
Friday Oct. 12th 10:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.
Saturday Oct. 13th 10:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m. 
-4011 Lilac Lane in Mt. Green- 

Wanted to share how my weekend started
{don't ask me how Sat. night ended & Sunday morning began- I don't want to talk about it. So close, dang it! Moving on ;)} 
I attended the most delightful evening at a blogging event at Gardner Village.  Have you been there? I hope you have, if not you have to put it on your calender to go sometime during the next couple of months.
{I have to just share that Archibald Gardner, who founded the mill,is my Hubby's Great, Great, Great, Grandfather} 

The night started with lots of other bloggers, mingling & eating yummy appetizers of fried avocado & fried green tomatoes {delish!
Then we got to go around to each & every delightful little shop around the Village & got a gift/coupon/treat, whatever at each shop. How cool is that!  I came home with a bag full of goodies- it was awesome!! 
{Thanks so much My Craft Channel & Gardner Village!} 

I don't know why I didn't bring my camera to snap pictures but I did take a few with my camera phone.  Things that I saw there that I just loved! 

Ok, seriously!  Where were these when my kids were little & always grabbing at my necklaces.  They are TEETH-iNG necklaces!  How smart{cute & practical}are they?! All you Mommy's out there with little ones you better go get these at Sassy Babies @ G.Village. 

Saw these in the candy shop & thought they were funny!  Little did I know that I would have woofed down 2 of these bars Saturday night {oh, don't remind me!}  Love that it's for immediate relief of: interceptions, turnovers, fumbles, penalty flags.... oh, the pain of loving sports & watching football.  

This spooky looking wire chandelier with assorted glass bottles dangling from the ceiling at Country Furniture & Gifts caught my eye.  Thought it was so unique & charming! 

After we went to every shop everyone met back up for a drawing & look who won....... ME!!  I couldn't believe it, I never win anything.  I had just mentioned to my friend, in the Quilt Shop, that I needed to get some new bedding & look what came true.  So excited!  Thank you Village Quilt Shop.  I will be back to use my $100 coupon to purchase some more bedding soon! 

-By the way I took the best Sunday nap with this on Sunday afternoon... ahhh!-

Gardner Village is so delightful this time of year.  Be sure to take your family down to see all the witches & be sure to grab a goodie to eat from the Naborhood Bakery.
It's the perfect place to celebrate Fall!



  1. Congrats on the Good Luck! It's always fun to win something :)

  2. So I just randomly saw one of your posts on Pinterest and followed it to your blog. Lo and behold you are right down the road (okay, I-80) from me as I live in Summit County. I am super excited for your Fall Hive in October! Hope I can make it.
    ...Now about that football chocolate? Where can I find it? My hubby is a football coach so I find it especially amusing (and most likely delicious).

  3. Hi Lyndsey!! Thanks for finding the blog & yes, please do come right down the road to The Hive, I would love to met you. Ok, the football choc. I found at Gardner Village in the Afton Sweets shop but I had a friend who told me she had seen it other places too. Good Luck. I really should have bought me a couple of bars just for fun. My Dad was a football coach so I know what you're going through- good times & bad. Love Football!!

  4. Hi Lyndsey!! Thanks for finding the blog & yes, please do come right down the road to The Hive, I would love to met you. Ok, the football choc. I found at Gardner Village in the Afton Sweets shop but I had a friend who told me she had seen it other places too. Good Luck. I really should have bought me a couple of bars just for fun. My Dad was a football coach so I know what you're going through- good times & bad. Love Football!!


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