
R-r-r-r-ing, Last call!


  Calling all H&H friends- you have until tomorrow night {the 21st} to pre-order any of the H&H products I've featured on the blog.  
Just wanted to give you one last call for all orders!! 

-How adorable is this phone!- 
Source: via Melissa on Pinterest

Why do I do this... you might be asking. 
Well it's simply because I don't make up dozens of each item to have on hand at The Hive. 
{so if you want one you better order it here} 
 I like to hear from you before hand so I make sure I have enough of the items available for all who want one & you're not disappointed when they are sold out, at the show, or you have to place an order & wait.    
{Do you know it's just little me who paints, stains, sands & creates all the H&H products? No elves around here!} 

So if you have been thinking for awhile about getting any thing you have seen- be sure to order soon. 
You can see all of the pre-order products {Here}
& simply click on the orange  PayPal link below each product picture to order. 

Thanks for stopping by! 
{Please leave a message at the beep..... BeeP}


1 comment:

Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}