
Something's Up.....


 A banner that is so it must mean that a party, celebration or event is going to happen in our home. 
{You know I love to have a reason to hang up a banner!} 

Yep, all 3- it's Birthday week around here.  My girls {A&E} are having a birthday along with mine all in the same week.  So it's fun to put up some decorations & leave it up for awhile to celebrate.  
-Easy, crepe paper twist banner. This is the 1st to go up, more to follow- all different of coarse to keep with "the theme" ;) -
I'll be back to show more of the fun things I'm going to do to celebrate their big day.  
{It's a BiG one- they enter the double-digit stage, the BiG 1-0} 

They were so funny when we discussed what they wanted to do for their birthday. They both said to me, 
"Mom, we don't want a theme & we don't want certain colors for our party"
{such a sad day for me} 
They went on to tell me that they just wanted a "Random Party" so that's what we are going to do.  
{Look-out- I've never been so care-free or random before when it comes to throwing a party. But so far so good, it's a lot less stressful let me tell you} 

I wanted to share just one Random thing we did so far.  Do you love the $1 section at Target as much as I do?  They have such cute things in there, I always have to browse when I walk in the door.  I simply adore all the Little Miss & Mr stuff they have for sale right now. 
{Maybe it just takes me back to my childhood}  
 I love all the nostalgia of those little people. So that's what we did for invites, so simple & so easy & fun.  The girls loved picking out which little character went to each of their friends. 
-Audrey, Little Miss FuN for sure!  This girl never has a dull moment, she finds joy & fun wherever she goes- 
 We sealed the envelope up with some Washi tape, that I also got at Target, LOVE that stuff!! Have you tried it yet? 
{We put a stamp on them & into the mailbox off to their friends.  I love doing that, such a little surprise to get a cute envelope in the mail rather than running them around door to door} 

-Em showing off her stash of invites. She loves Little Miss Sunshine because her favorite color is YeLLoW & always has been- 
Ok, that's all for today- I'll be back with more. 
{I can't wait to tell you what I'm doing to their room the morning of their B-day. {Shhh... I can't let them see it} I saw the idea on Pinterest a couple of months ago, loved it, pinned it so I would remember to do it & it was re-pinned from my board 3,775 times!! Crazy!!}


*oh, also Birthday shout-outs to my friends, Michelle & Cory this week too. Love you both!  


  1. Theme or no theme. Colors or no colors. I'm sure it will be lovely and lots of fun. I know one girl who can't wait!

    From Steel Magnolias... "My colors are blush and bashful, mama."

    "Your colors are pink and pink."

    Love that movie.

  2. Thanks Courtney, can you believe they said that to me? So funny. Glad Miss A is excited to come. Still super excited about the Trader Joe news- yippee!


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}