
Hello.... June!

  Welcome... to a brand new month! 
I love this month for many reasons & I'm sure I'll share a few of them with you as the month goes on. 
{It's birthday & party season around here- lots of events coming up!}  

Right now I wanted to say how much I love having friends in my life. For those who I've known for a long time, those I've met because of this blog & friends from near & far who bless my life every single day. 

Today I made a delicious, easy & fresh salsa recipe that I got from one of my dearest & best-est friends,{N}. 
It is sooo easy to make- give it a try. 
{also thanks to my next door friend,{N}, for letting me borrow her amazing high power blender to mix it all together. Oh, my goodness.. the PoWER! Hmmm... maybe that's something I may want for my upcoming birthday. Are you listening Schmoopie? ;) } 

Summer Salsa
{one of the best things about Summer- salsa!} 

1 medium onion, diced
1-2 cloves garlic, diced
1-2 tsp. lime or lemon juice
1 tsp. onion salt
1 tsp. garlic salt
1 T. red wine vinegar
1 can diced green chili peppers
1 large can whole tomatoes
1 can stewed tomatoes
1 can diced jalapenos {or 1/2 of a fresh one}
1 bunch cilantro,  chopped
1 pkg. salsa mix Concord foods mild mix found in the produce section.
crushed red pepper to taste

combine all ingredients in a blender for 5 seconds.  
No longer or the salsa will be runny!

I also like making new friends from far & near.  I packaged up 3 adorable posies & sent them off to a new friend of H&H in Virginia.  Thanks for the order, {A}enjoy the Posies & be sure to tell all your friends back on the East coast about Hollyhocks & Honeybees

 Also thanks to another friend of mine who called me up one day & gave me all of her old clothing patterns 
{she had bags full!} 
I have enjoyed using them as stuffing & filler whenever I send or give gifts- makes for a charming touch to anything. 
Thanks, {A} 

Hope you are having a day filled with something fabulous. 
Have a wonderful weekend! 
{Don't forget about pre-orders for the Summertime Show- last day to order is Tomorrow!!} 


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Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}