
Right around the corner


  Last month, while waiting for Miss Mace at the dentist's office,  I picked up the latest issue of Real Simple.  I was reading about some useful tidbits, timely trivia & catchy conversation starters & came across something that intrigued & lit a fire inside of me.  

If you know we well you know that I love all things Lemon!  
{except Lemon Bars, is that weird?}  
I always have a lemon wedge in my water, love any product that is lemon scented & if there is anything on menu with lemon in the title it sounds wonderful to me.  

So back to my story about the magazine... 
I found out that National Lemonade Days were coming up in June {My B-day weekend in fact!} & read about an opportunity to help raise money for Children's Cancer Research.  The idea is to have a Lemonade Stand & donate all the proceeds to pediatric research.  
{who doesn't love a Lemonade stand in the Summertime?}
It was started by 4 year old Alexandra Scott in 2000, in Connecticut,  when she tried to raise money to help fight the cancer she was diagnosed with.  She passed away in 2004 but since then Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation has collected more than $50 Million to help fight pediatric cancers.  

I thought this would be an excellent way for us to give back & a wonderful way for my girls {A&E} & I to celebrate our  birthdays this week. 

My girls have ALWAYS had a Lemonade Stand each Summer & we love to make  & decorate Sugar Cookies together to sell along with the lemonade. We used to make just one batch but quickly learned, {after years of experience} that we better double the batch to keep our customers happy. 
{they are always a hit & if I say so myself & really, really good!}  
-Mace baking up a batch in 2004 in our Layton kitchen- 
 Miss Mace has had a Lemonade stand since she was 6 years old.  We used to live on a corner & it was the BeST place to get passer buyers to stop for an ice cold beverage. 
- Sister, Audrey & her friend helping out at her Stand on the corner of 50W. & 2150 N.- 

-Some happy customers from down the street, cute B&B Brown- 

-Macey's 1st stand at our new home, in 2007- 

-The Quig girls Lemonade Stand in 2008. The famous YeLLoW bench has been used alot over the years, I'm sure it will make an appearance this Saturday from 1-3 as well- 
I'm looking forward to my girls & I working together to make signs, bake cookies & mix up gallons of Lemonade all for a good cause. I'm grateful for the health & strength that my girls & I have been blessed with. I'm glad we can be a part of this foundation & try to help ease the  suffering of so many children through out the world by contributing to fund research & hopefully help 
{in some small way} find a cure for pediatric cancers by doing something that is fun for us & that we love to do each year.  

If you live in the area or close enough for a quick drive up the canyon on Saturday be sure to swing by our home, grab a cookie & wet your whistle with a refreshing ice cold glass of Lemonade & help out a good cause.  
-We are so happy to be a part of this-  

Where: 4011 Lilac Lane in Mt. Green 
When:  This Saturday, June 9th
Time: 1:00-3:00 p.m. 

Happy National Lemonade Days everyone!! 
{June, 8,9, & 10th} 


*to read more about Alex's story & to see how you can get involved go to
{you can have a Lemonade stand anytime you want this Summer, it doesn't have to be on National Lemonade Days}


  1. Fun times and cute pictures!!!

  2. I know Tex! I can't believe how little our kids were, such fun memories of the neighborhood.

  3. I think you are doing a wonderful thing on Saturday!!


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