
Quigley girls care


   Happy official National Lemonade Days everyone! 
Just a reminder that our Lemonade/Cookie Stand is open this Saturday from 1:00-3:00 p.m. in our front yard. We would love for you to stop by & buy a ice cold glass of lemonade & munch on a cookie{or 2}all for a great cause. 
-*All proceeds from the sale go to Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation to fund research for pediatrics cancers*-  

Signs are made..... 
Cookies are baked..... 

Should be a great day!  We are looking forward to being a part of this great cause + we love any reason to make Lemonade &  Cookies!!
{4011 Lilac Lane in Mt. Green}  

I'll be back soon with all the details from our sale, fun pictures & ideas from Audrey & Emily's birthday party & MoRE!  

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!  
{I know I will... turning 30 something ;), grateful for all the years behind me & looking forward to celebrating many more} 



  1. Happy 30 something!! Have a sweet weekend!!

  2. Thanks Heather!! It's been a great one so far- Lemonade stand was a success, sweet comments from friends, texts, FB messages & presents from friends & family. Life is good!

  3. We love to listen to your music....usually I just click on the cassette tape and your songs play, but now it takes us to playlist login with using either facebook or playlist. I dont have either...has something changed? or am I doing something wrong?


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}