
It's a good day!

  Happy LeaP Year everyone! 
{Boy, I'm so happy that I have an extra day because I have LoTS to do!! I could use about 5 more days actually ;)}

Look what arrived on my doorstep last week, a sure sign that there is a Hive right around the corner, that's right the famous "imported" candies & sweets.  So delicious!  
-Introducing: Cheescake Carmels {yes, they are as good as they sound} & sour peachy gummy hearts- the perfect combo of peachy & tartness. Pucker up!-

Oh & one more fabulous thing...... 
100 followers {WOW, thanks everyone!} To even make it more exciting my 100th follower left me a comment on her 1st visit to the H&H blog {I LoVE that} & left me a link to her adorable blog.  Check it out- she even lives up in my neck of the woods.  
{Thanks L!}

Off to create, create, create in the H&H shop today. I'll be back tomorrow to announce a GiVEAWAY & also start introducing you to
The {Springtime} Hive 
vendor line up. Be sure to check back!   

Just as I was about to post this the doorbell rang & it was the FedEx man delivery the last box of goodness.  The sweetest smelling package I've ever gotten. 
-Lemon Blueberry Shortbread bites-!-

** I just decided to post a  giveaway over on the H&H FaceBook page for some free sweet treats- go {Here} to enter & be sure to like the page once you get there too!
{hint, hint!}  
An extra day to enter a giveaway only comes around 4 times a year so we better make the most of it- Good Luck! 


  1. Yummy! I can smell those sweets right now!

  2. Thanks for becoming a follower on my blog. Where in the world did you get these yummys?? My brother and sister live in Mtn. Green? Are you in the cottonwoods?

  3. I don't know how you don't just eat all of the candy before your sales! I would be munching on them all day long!

  4. Haha, Jenny- that's why I need to GiVE some away. Trust me it's hard somedays! ;)

  5. mmmm, I do have such a sweet tooth! Can't wait to get me some of the yummy goodness at the Hive next week.


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}