
Splash of color!

  I'm looking out my window right now & it's dark & gloomy {not to mention windy!}  not to pretty outside & I'm feeling a bit under the weather myself
{I'm so glad I wasn't feeling this way yesterday}
So when I was lying in bed today this little commercial came on & brightened up my day just a bit. 
Watch & enjoy! 
{Oh, & I dare you to try & get the song out of your head after watching ;)} 

Oh, how I adore Target! 
{& I want to go buy the darling striped dress & turquoise 
strappy heels- how fun!} 


  1. audrey and I have watched this like 20 times!! I love Target!:)
    Macey Lou

  2. Hey I found your blog on morganmoms facbook page. You are one creative gal. I had a ton of fun looking through your blog. I am your newest follower :)


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