
Time for a GiVEAWAY {BuzZ-BuZz!!}

  Hello March..... & a GiVEAWAY! 
As you know it's just 1 week until The Hive opens its doors {Hooray!} so it must be time again to "BuzZ" about 
The Hive & win GiVEAWAY.  This is where I need some help from all my "peeps" to spread the word about the charming little marketplace that will be going on for 3 days next week. You can    WiN $25.00 smack-a-roos to spend at The Hive
{Who doesn't love free $$$ to shop with right?}  

You can use it to spend how ever you want from any of the 6 great vendors that will be at The Hive this time around 

So pick how you want to play along:

1- Post about The Hive on your Blog or FaceBook page 
{you can grab The Hive button from this blog- just be sure to link back to my blog, please!} 
2- Leave a comment on the H&H FB page for one entry. 
3- If you haven't done so already {& I think you really should} become a follower to this blog or a fan of the H&H FB page for another entry.
4- Leave a comment on each vendor guest blog post each day too for another entry to WiN!
5- & MoST importantly leave a comment telling me all the ways you created a "BuZz" about The Hive

You have until Wednesday night {the 7th} at Midnight to enter. I'll be drawing out one lucky WiNNeR Thursday morning.

The Hive {Springtime Edition} Hours
{Directions how to get to The Hive- on the right

Thurs. March 8th- 6:30-9:00 p.m.
 Fri. March 9th- 10:00- 4:00 p.m.
Sat. March 10th- 10:00- 1:00 p.m.

-Happy "BuZz"-ing!  Thanks & good luck- 

I'll be back a bit later to introduce you one of the fabulous vendors that will be coming to The Hive.



  1. Ok I am a new FB fan so I hope I win now!

  2. Okay, here I go again. Crossing my fingers big time!!

  3. I blogged it (on my blog that maybe 2 people look at) and put it on my facebook!! I think I am going to need one of everything, so I pretty much need to win!

  4. I shared your post on my fb page. I also liked you on fb. Now I am commenting here because I would love to win!! I am already a (new) follower :) You are awesome!

  5. I blogged about you and your hive today!! Hope I win!!! Happy Spring!

  6. I'm already a follower of your blog and I just "liked" your facebook page. :)

  7. Hooray so excited for the Hive! Ok so I am a follower and a fan on FB, I posted it on my facebook page and left a comment on the H&H FB page.. Oh boy I hope I win!!

  8. Ok...I am a follower to your H&H blog, follower/fan on FB, posted a comment on vendors blog posts, AND left a comment...I would LOVE LOVE to win! :)

  9. I follow you blog! I just became a follower although I could have sworn I was following you before!

  10. Melissa, just posted about it on Sweet Charli's fb page! Hope I win! I'm planning on posting on Sweet Charli blog about this tues or wed.

  11. WHo wouldn't want $25 big ones to spend at the Hive. Me PLEASE. I posted about the Hive on my blog and fb. Thanks for doing a fun giveaway.

  12. So I know you saw my blog post, but I thought I better leave a comment here so you remember to give me another entry. I need lots and lots :) Can't wait, can't wait!

  13. Please pick me, pick me, pick me!
    Aunt Barb

  14. Yay! Can't wait! Coming and "buzzing" to friends and family to come with me.:)

  15. I'm already a follower and have liked your page!:)
    Can't wait to see your new creations!

  16. Ohhh please pick me. Did I mention it was my bitthday this week. Just the HIVE!!


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}