
411 on The Hive


  By now you might have seen this ticket stub up on my sidebar & you might be wondering what it's all about especially if you've never had the pleasure of coming to a Hive before. 
Well..... let me tell you. 

The Hive is an idea I came up with 2 years ago about getting a few of my creative friends together under one roof to showcase amazing vintage, one of a kind, charming products along side of my  Hollyhocks & Honeybees products.  It has changed & evolved each time which I am happy to say has taught me lessons & I've learned what to try to do better at each Hive.  
{Since this is #5, look-out!  It's going to be amazing!}

I don't like to use the word "boutique" {so I won't anymore} just because I feel it gets overused & brings to mind a collection of tons of vendors all squished into one space. 
{I have used it just because people have an idea that it is at least more than one person selling their goods}
-Picture from a past Hive in 2011- 
So that being said The Hive is a delightful little marketplace of amazing goods made by talented, creative women who I enjoy welcoming into my home.  
-A full Hive on opening night. Doors opened at 6:00 & it was packed with busy shoppers by 6:10- Love it!! - 
I get giddy when I start thinking about hosting a Hive. The atmosphere & energy that comes opening night & it gives me a rush of excitement!  I love meeting everyone that comes through the door & am grateful for the connections I have formed as a result of hosting such an amazing event 2 times a year.  If you haven't been before I invite you to give it a try this time.   
-Some H&H creations for SaLE @ The Hive last year- 
Take the beautiful drive up to Mt. Green 
{up Weber Canyon nestled between Ogden & Layton} 
shop, mingle, be inspired by the fabulous goods you'll see, treats you'll get to sample & decor galore. 
{Maybe go for lunch or dinner at Taggart's afterwords while 
you're up here- one of my favorites!}

This year I'm doing something a bit different
{those learning lessons I told you about}
For the 1st time ever The Hive will be a 3 day event.  I've listened to those of you who have asked for extended times & days that never seem to be able to make it in the past- so here you go!  
{I expect to see many of you up here!! Hint, Hint! ;)} 

So go ahead pick a day, any day to come up to The Hive
Thurs. March 8th- 6:30-9:00 p.m. 
Fri. March 9th- 10:00- 4:00 p.m.
Sat. March 10th- 10:00- 1:00 p.m.
{at 4011 Lilac Lane in Mt. Green} 

I'm excited to introduce the vendor line up to you soon. 
Some old friends & NeW ones to introduce to you.  
Thanks for letting me tell you a bit about something I adore hosting 2x's a year. 


**Don't forget to watch Studio 5 this Friday at 11:00 on Channel 5 to see what I've been  "crush"ing on & what will be available for SaLE at 
The {Springtime} Hive
{So excited!!} 


  1. AW: Can't wait for "The Hive". I'm ready for Spring.

  2. that is so funny..i do a 'marketplace' on my farm because i don't like the b word either.;D
    i am totally going to try and come up and visit next weekend!
    i would love to know if you have done studio 5 before and if you felt like it was worth the money..i really want to do it this year before my show but want to make sure it is the wise way to spend those precious advertising dollars.:D


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}