
My new Motto & HeLP!

I came across my new motto today! It hit me right between the eyes as I walked into Target this afternoon.  
{Don't you just love Target? It always makes me happy}  

Color is everything- it's what is really inspiring me lately, makes me giddy, stirs my creativity & makes me what to buy things.  {I'm sure that's their whole intent ;)} I've been thinking a lot about color lately as I prepare to make things & set up another Hive in a couple of weeks. 
{By the way are you coming? I hope so!} 

I've been inspired by alot of things lately & here are a couple of my favorites. 

-Colorful scrapbook papers always inspire & delight me! This is a picture from a H&H project I did awhile back - 

-Streamers & balloons- LoVE it, so stinky cute!-

I must be craving for SPRiNG to arrive & bright colors to begin to pop up. I'm sure it will happen before too much longer.. at least The Hive will be bright & cheerful. {So excited!} 

& now for your HeLP!  
My hubby & I moved some furniture around this weekend & decided that we want to paint our front entry wall a new color & a different color than the rest of the house.  But we don't know what color or shade to go with. 
?Honeybee wants to know- 
What is your favorite paint color? 
-Bad pic I know, but it was easier to just grab my phone than get out the camera. But you get the idea, I hope-
I'm open to suggestions.  I kind of want to do something unexpected & a bit bold but don't know if I dare. {do I?} 
The color of the rest of our home is Graceful Gold
{a yellowish, tan color}  
I would love to hear your suggestions.  

Thanks & hope you have a colorful day!
{Did you know the official color of 2012 is Tangerine Tango?} 



  1. A fun turquoise, navy, orange, salmon pink? I would say something cheerful and unexpected would look awesome.

  2. I love turquoise right now and I don't even have it in my house. I am trying to talk Kelsey's husband into painting my piano turquoise but no luck so far.

  3. I was just getting to the set up as it was. :)

    Maybe instead of a new color only you should do strips or a stencil somthing. What about the green like the laundry room cabinets? They are green right? A black to tie into the kitchen/stove?

  4. so many possibilities..but then you are talking to the girl with boring white walls :) I say go for a bold color!!

  5. Great ideas everyone- keep em coming! Becca, I've never thought of a pattern- hmmm. We are going to get a large painting to put on that wall soon. I'm liking {thinking} about an orange color or dark grey or navy. Sal, keep talking Kelsie into the piano- how Fun!! :)

  6. From LaRae

    I say Duke blue!!!

  7. Oh grey or Navy would be awesome!! If you are worried about it being too dark you could add some waiscotting on the bottom. good luck cant wait to see how it turns out :)


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