
NeWs- letters & numbers!


  By the look of things in the H&H craft room I must have 
a project up my sleeve. So excited to share it with you all 
next Friday at 11:00 on 
{set your DVR's now!}  

-Ooh, I love mis match letters of all shapes & sizes to play with- 

& be sure to mark your calendars for The Hive coming March 8,9 & 10th because what I will be talking about on Studio 5 will all be available to purchase at The Hive.
{more details to come soon on that- Hooray!}  

I was invited to a special event put on my Studio 5 a couple of weeks ago that really inspired me & made me think outside the box a bit for my upcoming segment.  I can't wait to show you what I've been "crush"-ing lately on the #1 lifestyle show in Utah & the #1 in the Nation for locally produced lifestyle shows- WOW!  
How amazing is that, right here in Utah!! 
  Way to go everyone at KSL. 
-Such a great day- full of bright fun colors, big balloons & lots of yummy tasty treats. Oh, my goodness so good!-  

?Honeybee wants to know- Are you a regular Studio 5 watcher?  I hope so! 

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!  


  1. I don't have time to watch studio 5 everyday but when you are on I make sure to set my dvr or to catch the replay on the internet. Can't wait to see whay you've come up with!

  2. Thanks Jenny! Hope you like what you see next week :)

  3. Good luck, you will do great. I love all your numbers and letters!


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}