
ReNEWing & Reflecting


  Oh- I'm loving today!  I'm back on schedule {at least I think!}  it's always wonderful to have the girls home from school for the Holidays, traveling to this & that, parties, lots of yummy food, eating out quite a bit & staying up late, BUT... it's always lovely to get back on track!  
{Don't you agree?}  

I want to reflect about 2011 for a bit & all that it brought.... 
My one little word I choose for last year was Flourish & as I reflect back I feel that I totally did.

I got into a routine of going to the gym 3-4 times a week & discovered a joy for Zumba!  It's so fun & makes me feel like a kid again taking dance lessons {something that I loved & did all growing up}  it really makes me happy & tired.  Whew... it's a workout.  Thanks LoneTree Yoga & all my teachers! 
{Syd, Amy, Tammi, Tricia & Michelle}

-Photo from my What I wore Wednesday posts- I need to do more of them in 2012
I felt so good exercising {more than I have in years} eating better & not to mention my 3 month Diet Coke {pop in general fast}  I need to do that again in 2012 & enjoy feeling healthy!

-On set with Co-Hosts Brooke & Darin- 

 I also had the opportunity of appearing on a local TV show {Studio 5} 3 times this year. WOW!  Never thought I would {or could} do that but I did & it is always a fantastic experience to be a part of & I learn & grow from it so much. Not to mention the amazing friends & clients it has brought into my life through my business.   Here is one of my All-TiME favorite posts of 2011 about this experience.
{Hopefully 2012 will be filled with more experiences @ St.5}

Click on the link below to go to my blog post & watch 

-My favorite segment- loved all the woodsie stuff! There is also more woodsie entertaining inspiration {Here}
-With my cast- Grace, Daddy Warbucks, Annie, Ms. Hannigan, Lily {Me} & Rooster- 
 Did I ever mention that I was in our Community Theatre's production of Annie this past Summer?  It was so great!  It has been something I have had on my to-do list for quite some time now.  It was a scary thing to step out of my comfort zone & get back up on a stage & audition for a part {something I haven't done since High School} but it paid off & I was given the role of Lily St. Regis. {so fun to play her!} Not only was the play an amazing thing to be a part of but I enjoyed meeting so many new friends that live in my community & getting to be a part of something with my 3 girls.  They loved it just as much as I did.  It was alot of hard work, practices, running back & forth & long hours but it was sad when it was over. Acting & performing is definitely something I hope to do in the future again. 
-Lily with her favorite mansion maid & 2 favorite orphans- 

Other "Flourishes" for the year
- going skiing with the family at Snowbasin
{1st time for me since College} 

Finally getting to check off hiking Adams Canyon with my family {yippee- the Fall was the best time to do it!}

Being asked to decorate for a bridal shower 
{my 1st paid gig- exciting!} 

So.... Yeah, thinking back on 2011 it was a pretty amazing year! Not to mention 191 posts on this blog for the year. 
{wow, that's alot!} 

Now- out with the old & in with the New!

One of my favorite days is New Years Day which is spent doing a traditional activity in our home-
a Quigley clean-out!  
Closets, lockers, drawers, storage rooms are all cleaned & organized.  Yesterday was a great feeling to take a truck load of well loved & used goods to the D.I. & 5 garbage bags full of stuff out to the garbage. Ahhhh.... it's a nice feeling to clean out & start fresh!  It's fun to see the kids involved too & look for what they can recycle or giveaway. 
-The new truck all loaded & ready to go!- 
So bring on Twenty- 12.  Looking forward to another amazing year full of friendships, family activities, growth, learning & opportunities. 
-Hope you are excited about it too!-


*be back to announce my One Little Word tomorrow- so check back! 
{super excited about it!} 


  1. Oh, I love a good yearly re-cap! Makes you look back and say "Yes, I DID do awesome things, didn't I?!?" I would love to talk to you more sometime about the play you guys were in (too cute btw). My Makenna has just discovered acting and I would love to find something for her to be involved in up there when we get back. Cute stuff!

  2. P.S.- one more thing! So jealous of the "Quigley Clean Out". That was on my list for yesterday also, but somehow we ended up sitting around having a "Wallace Lazy Day". Agghh!

  3. Love your Quigley Clean Out - great way to start the year. I love your looking back and reflecting post - very inspiring!!!


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}