
My One Little Word for 2012


  I so enjoy this time of year- time to renew, start fresh, set goals, dream BiG & making lists of things to accomplish in the coming year.  It's so invigorating for me!  

I was inspired years ago by Ali Edwards & her challenge of picking one word {simple, little & meaningful} as the focus of the year ahead.  I have really enjoyed doing it for 3 years in a row now & as I look back on the words I've chosen in the past I can definitely see it's quiet influence on my life that year. 
I've had this word written on my window pane looking at me each & every morning when I get dressed & ready for the day. I KNOW that it has impacted my life this past year.
Past chosen One Little Words- 

2010- Stretch
{I can't believe I didn't write a blog post about this special word- so meaningful & powerful to me} 
2011- Flourish 
{a link to the blog post for Flourish}

So I've been thinking long & hard for a word for me this year.  I've jotted down a list of words when the idea or word would pOp into my head & researched each definition until I found one that made me get excited & feel a little spark inside of me. 

Without further adieu I'd like to announce my word for 2012-
{drum roll please........} 

 Wa-Hoo I'm so excited about my choice & all it's possibilities for the year ahead! I choose this word because I feel like I am at a stage in my life where I really need to appreciate, slow down to enjoy & savor all the little joys, blessings & people that are in my life each & every day.  My girls are growing up so fast {too fast for me} & I'm seeing glimpses of times that won't be around too much longer. If I don't appreciate, enjoy, relish &  really take in everything now they will be gone.  I need to savor the times I get to tuck them into bed, sing them songs, read books with them, have family dinners together, have my girls around for celebrations & parties like New Years Eve. 
{before they are wanting to be off with friends instead} 

I also love the definition for the verb tense of Savor that it includes to impart flavor- meaning action!  To me it means that it is up to me to give my time, energy, sense of style & flavor into anything I do.  I love that the definition also talks about appreciation.  That is one thing I really try to have in my life is to live with a grateful heart & try to appreciate all the little things around me.  It's always good to be reminded to be grateful. 

Time to wipe the slate {or window pane clean} & write down my word for 2012 so I see it every day. 

I'm ready to Savor the day do all that I can to fully enjoy all that this year has to offer & hopefully I can season my life & others around me this year too & add a bit to their lives as well. 

??Honeybee wants to know- Do you pick a little word each year?  

If you do I would LoVE to hear what it is.  Leave a comment & tell me. If you haven't yet & would like to you still can it's only Jan. 4th there is still a whole lot of year left! ;) 
Go on do it- it's fun to see at the end of the year how your One Little Word may have made a BiG impact. 
{if you need help picking a word you can go {Here} to Ali Edwards blog & see a list of inspiring words to choose from.}  
*Once you have picked your word don't forget to write it down someplace where you can see it often for it to work in your life. 

-Savor & enjoy the journey-
{I know I will!!} 



  1. My word this year is



  2. You are so stinkin' cute!
    I have been doing the same One Little Word for three years too. This past year was Peace - year before Simplify......and for 2012 it is FOCUS! Similiar to the Savoring concept - I just want to focus on the really important things more - detailed focus. Excited for this new year :)

  3. Great words friends! Thanks for letting me know :)

  4. My one little word this year is "embrace". The meaning: accept willingly, adopt, take up the cause, encircle, encompass, to seize eagerly, to cherish, to love, include as part of something broader. I want to "embrace" new ideas, relationships with family and friends and things that really matter in this little journey through life. Last year my one little word was "change"

  5. Hey, Melissa! Thanks for sharing this concept. What a great idea! After thinking about it, my word is SERVE. I feel this will help me accomplish all my goals this year.
    Thanks again,

  6. Great word Shalece- I think you would be great Serving as the next Middle School PTSO Pres.- think about it ;)
    Thanks for sharing your word too Jan. It's fun being inspired by everyones choices.

  7. Ok, I finally did it! I chose a word! Thanks for the inspiration, darling.

  8. Thanks for sharing Mandy :) Have a wonderful 2012 ahead full of lots of "Finishing"- you can do it!


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