
A Salty mix to go along with the Holiday Sweets

  If you're like me you love {sometimes a little too much} all sorts of sweets during the Holidays. Sugar Cookies, Chocolates, Caramels, yummy loaves of bread, Gingerbread & the list could go on & on. 
Well the girls & I are making something SaLTy today to balance out all those sweets that are piling up on our kitchen counter.  
{Thanks to so many wonderful neighbors & friends, who are great bakers it looks like, our counter top is overflowing!} 

This recipe is a Christmas tradition that our Grandma GG made each & every year.  The girls & I wanted to make it this year in honor of her- we miss her so much but love that she left all of us so many wonderful lessons, recipes & memories to have forever. 
-Wearing one of Grandma GG's aprons for the day- 

Grandma GG's Scrabble 

2 lbs. Salted Mixed Nuts 
1- 12 oz. package Corn Chex Cereal 
1- 6 1/2 oz. package of Wheat Chex Cereal 
1- 10 oz. package of Honey Nut Cheerios 
1- 6 1/2 oz. Pretzel Sticks 
mix all together in a large bowl{It makes a bunch!} & set aside 

Toss together:
1 1/2 cups Butter 
2 TBS. Worcestershire Sauce 
1 TBS. Garlic Salt 
1 TBS. Seasoning Salt 
a sprinkle of onion & celery salt.  

Pour over cereal mix & toss together until coated well. Spread out evenly on cookie sheets {I used 3} & put into a 225 degree oven & toss every 20 minutes.  Bake for 1 1/2 hours. 
I told you it makes a bunch! 

-My girls with their Grandma GG in her home on Christmas day in 2009- 

Placed in a vintage bread pan it looks so yummy to grab a handful & start munching the salty, crunchy mix.
I love that there are just certain things that really matter & mean something around Christmas time. Whether it's Grandma GG's Scrabble or Baked Eggs she would always make for Christmas day brunch, piling into my Grandma Hall's home on Christmas Eve {all 70+ of us} & watching the young grandchildren act out the nativity, looking at the glow of the Christmas tree in the wee hours of the morning, seeing the colorful retro Christmas tree lights outside or just thinking about our Savior Jesus Christ & grateful for his birth & his life.
It truly is the most wonderful time of year. 


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