
Happy Day!


Yeah, the day {or the BiG night} is finally here- my favorite day of the entire year so much excitement & anticipation.  It's the day when my family gets to load up the car drive to my hometown, give gifts, read scriptures, watch as sweet children act out the Nativity, sing hymns & carols, celebrate the birth of our Savior, be in a home filled with my cousins, aunts, uncles & Grandma, the excitement of the girls putting on their Christmas jammies, the drive back home as Emily looks out the car window for a sign of Rudolph's red nose {which she always spots} & then turning on the TV for a bit to watch Ralphie before going to bed & dreaming of Christmas morning.  
{simple joys!}

  May your days be Merry & Bright
-Happy Holidays everyone-

-My favorite Vintage ornament I have found to date.
Merry Christmas to all & to all a good night!- 

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas! I have season tickets to the pop series of the Utah Symphony. They do the show at Weber State University before they go to Abravanel Hall. The cirque de la was amazing. Loved it. Did you get to see David Archuleta's Christmas concert? A... maz.. ing. The food and decorations look wonderful. Thanks for sharing.


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