
What we're up to around here

Getting these ready to go in the mail {better late than never} actually they're Happy New Year cards so I'm covered ;) 

Miss Mace went into my craft room this morning & whipped out this darling lampshade.  Isn't it the cutest?!  She is one talented & creative girl!!  She is going to use it in her bedroom- I'll post a picture later. 

A close up of the paper posie lampshade.  I loved that she used music paper as the base {so her} & dreamed up & made each of the blooms herself using this & that. 

Ok, now back to boxing up all the Christmas decor, organizing the girls closets, watching the DI pile grow & grow & figuring out what to make for dinner tonight, any ideas? 

?Honeybee wants to know- What are you up to today?



  1. Macey, that lamp shade is so awesome! nice work.

  2. So cute! What a talented girl. She takes after her mom!

    We just got home from a 10 day trip to visit family so I'm up to my eyeballs in unpacking and cleaning up everything.

  3. Love the shade! Today I am cleaning up Christmas and laundry. Oh, and my daughter is watching her new Tinkerbell movie....again.


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}