
Oh, the places I go {at 4:44 a.m.}

  Happy day before Christmas Eve everyone- hope you are ready for the big day. 
I'm up bright & early {again} thanks to Mr. Olly barking & deciding to wake up for the 2nd day in a row at 4:30- augh! 

So checking emails, FB & Pinterest I've stumbled upon some great new blogs & places to visit & check out for inspiration. 

{really cute ideas for ideas!}

I do love getting up early in the morning {well not this early} & looking at our Christmas tree & the lights- it's so pretty. It makes me a bit sad that this time next week it will be all put away for another season. 

I've also been brainstorming a bit on what will be My O.L.W {one little word} for 2012.  I've had a few words popping around in my head that I'm considering & liking for my motto for the year.  My word for 2011 has been - Flourish & looking back on the year & the experience, opportunities & lessons I've had it's been a great one. Can't wait to re-cap it all in a post next week. 

Have a wonderful day everyone. I have a few more packages to wrap & deliver today & treats to bake. 
{well.. I guess I'll go get started- the early bird gets the worm, right?}


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