
Playing Catch-up Day {17-20}


  What a couple of fun filled days I've had that have kept me away from my computer so I couldn't blog but I kept track of 3 things each day that I was grateful for.  I had the chance to go spend a few days with my husband in one of my favorite states, North Carolina,  in beautiful Asheville & spent 2 nights at the charming Grove Park Inn tucked up in the hills- it was amazing.  
-Ty & I at the Grove Park Inn in Asheville, N.C. 2011
Isn't the roof unique?- 
Day {17} 
1- Airplanes- {I'm grateful for the modern technology & the ability we have to travel so easy from one place to another. I'm also grateful that I conquered one of my fears of flying alone, Ty was already there on meetings, Yeah- for me!} 
2- Conversations {I'm grateful to a nice man from Atlanta that sat next to me & talked to me for a good hour or so about something I love- Sports!  It definitely helped keep me calm during the flight.  I thoroughly enjoyed chatting with him about my Blue Devils} 
3- Prayer {I'm grateful that I can talk to my Heavenly Father anytime, anywhere & know that he hears and answers my prayers, I'm grateful for 3 prayers from little girls said on my behalf today & the opportunity to gather as friends & co-workers of Ty's in Asheville that night to say a prayer over the food.  What a blessing prayer is in my life!}

Day {18}
1- Regis {Today I sat in my hotel room, 2 hours earlier than home, & watched Regis for the last time & cried a little too.  I've grown up watching, laughing & listening to his stories. I even planned my early morning college courses around host chat so I wouldn't miss it.  Thanks Reege!} 
-My favorite thing to watch every morning- won't be the same!- 
2- North Carolina {Oh, what a beautiful state! It's amazing how much I have learned to love & appreciate it. I never thought I would ever have the connections I do to this incredible place- My love for Duke University, Ty's job & now friends that live here. I simply enjoy & look forward to every visit here} 
-A picture of the GPI & the state flag of No. Carolina flapping in the breeze- it was CHiLLY!-
3- Brick sidewalks {The sound  of walking on an uneven brick sidewalk- I love it! I appreciate the little details that make you know you are somewhere special & N.C. is full of them. From brick sidewalks, stacked stone fences & lush trees I enjoy spending time here}
-love the moss growing in between the bricks, had to take a picture of this on our way to Breakfast @ the Corner Kitchen- 

Day {19}
1- Trees {I'm surrounded by them, everywhere. So many different kinds that what I am used to seeing at home. I love driving down roads in Asheville & being surrounded by trees on ether side- beautiful}
-A few looking out from the Inn windows- 

2-Gingerbread Houses {The Grove Pine Inn is home to the National Gingerbread Competition, I think it is because the outside of the Inn actually looks like it could be a gingerbread house. Wish my girls were here to see them- such creativity.}

-Yes, that is all Gingerbread, can you believe that!- 

-SImple & Sweet youth entry- classic Gingerbread Village- 

-One of my favorites- I can't believe all the skill & time that went into constructing this house-
 Ok, this entry just stole my heart!! I adored all the colors & the whole whimsy theme of this entry.  If I saw this coming down my street I would for sure run out for a cup of hot cocoa & a ginger snap.  Simply delightful to look at.  
What an amazing Teen that put this together! 

-Loved the ribbon detail around the entry too- presentation is everything!- 
-Look at all those colorful details- so charming!- 

-Run, Run as fast as you can... so stinkin cute!!- 
3-Smells {The whole smell of Gingerbread at the Inn really got me excited for the Holidays that will soon be here. I love that smell. I was also grateful to receive 2 aprons from Grandma GG's house that the girls picked out. When I went to put them away this morning I smelled them & tears came to my eyes because they smelled just like Grandma GG & her home.  It made me miss her all over again but grateful for the wonderful memories I have & that I get to make baked eggs, sugar cookies & her famous "scrabble" {a salty mix of nuts, pretzels & Chex cereals} while wearing aprons from her home this Holiday Season}

Day {20}
1- Opportunities {Today I had the opportunity to fast with my family & our ward family} 
2- Childrens' voices {Nothing is better than hearing little children bear their testimony through word or song. It always touches my heart}
3- Lessons {I'm grateful for lessons I learn each & every day.  Lessons that remind me of things I already know, lessons that teach me something new or lessons that inspire me to do better}

Hope you had a wonderful weekend too. Can't believe that next week at this time our halls will be decked
{I just can't put up anything Christmasy before Thanksgiving} 

-Just hanging out with one of my buddies at the Grove Park Inn-  what a great time. Thanks Ty!- 


  1. Looks fabulous! Love all the things you are grateful for...a perfect reminder of so many things we are blessed with.

  2. I'm grateful that someone reads these posts & that through this blog I now know you- thanks Jan! :)

  3. Thank you so much for joining in on the ward fast. It was extremely powerful and comforting. I am Thankful for the ward family and our amazing Bishop!

  4. I'm so Jealous of your trip, that is where Brandon served his mission and I have yet to make the trip!! Your pictures make me want to go soooo bad! Thanks for the great post!


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