
Day {21}


  Today I'm grateful for many things, but these top the list- 

1- Mint Chocolate Chip Cupcakes {Made my Miss Mace herself, I mean just look at those!  She has such a talent for baking & decorating. I love having a little Chef in the house- they were delicious, thanks Mace! } 

2- Little Notes- {Got this from Em tonight, she has really enjoyed learning cursive & wants to only write that way from now on.  Audrey also put together a little activity at dinner tonight where we each drew a family members name & had to say out loud 3 things we loved about them- Thanks A&E for making my night!} 

3-  Pink Sponge curlers- {I got to put these in my girls hair tonight & it reminded me of all the times my Mom would put them in my hair. Grateful that it will be an easy hair day in the morning to get the girls off to school :)} 

I also got to spend the day with some of my lovely friends decking the halls at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in Park City.  Who knew that decorating a 25 ft. Christmas tree could be so much fun! It's always a joy spending time with 
"the Crew" 
-Just a quick pic of the tree taken with my phone- it doesn't do it justice. It was gorgeous! 
? Honeybee wants to know- Do you have Christmas up already in your home or do you wait until after Thanksgiving to deck your halls? 
{please leave a comment- I want to know if I'm the only one who waits anymore}



  1. Never before Thanksgiving.....but the next day the tree goes up. ; ) The cupcakes look divine!

  2. My tree is not yet up, and will get to it this weekend, but I got an early start on everything else. I like putting up Christmas a week before Thanksgiving, then I don't have to worry about it that weekend, and can have a relaxing and enjoyable weekend.

  3. South Girl in the WestNovember 22, 2011 at 7:53 AM

    Never!!! I love to treasure each holiday as it comes...we should all slow down in life and enjoy each holiday!!! but Christmas will go up this weekend since hubby will be home to help! i also must admit that Christmas shopping is almost done, i like to get that done early so i can enjoy each Christmas day with less stress!

  4. Thanks girls- I'm glad to know there are others out there like me :) But when Friday comes all the glittered pumpkins will be thrown out & Christmas will start to go up. South Girl in the West- I WiSH I could say my shopping is almost done- not even close! Good for you.

  5. Always have to wait until after Thanksgiving. Each holiday needs its own time.

  6. So happy I made the blog! I had to look after your e-mail. It is always fun to be at the Quigley's. It was a great day with good conversation. Just ask Emery!


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