
Day {16}-


  Today I'm grateful that I have a home to clean.  Sometimes cleaning the house isn't my favorite thing to do but when I look at it as " I get to clean my house"instead of saying " I have to clean my house"  it sounds alot better. Just changing one little word {get & have} make a huge & a positive difference.  I'm grateful that I have a home to clean, a roof over our heads, peace, comfort & warmth it provides. 
-Just a cute, funny picture with our home in the background. We had a fun day playing football out in the park one evening as a family- 
1- Cleaning Supplies {my favorite is Lemon Soft Scrub & Lemon Pine sol- Ahhh.... clean!} 
2- My Car {to run Em to gymnastics today, do a bazillion errands & take Miss Mace to YW} 
3- Yoga {I couldn't go to Zumba today at 6a.m. & was bummed because I had only been to the gym once this week & then I realized that Yoga was at 9 & I could go. I'm glad I took the time to go, even though I had lots to do, sometimes we just need to take time for ourselves. So glad I did, it was great!} 

Hope you had a great day too- anyone, anyone?? ;) 

*oh, I'm also grateful that a client of mine came & bought the last 3 lbs. of C.C. Caramels from me today- she saved me eating them all myself- they are so good! - Thanks A! 

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