
Day {15}- a long day

 Better write before the day is over- 
1- A Duke win for Coach K- #903.  {I'm grateful that I enjoy sports.  I get that from the Hall side of the family & apparently little Olly does too- he already likes to watch the Blue Devils}
-What a good dog- Go DUKE!- 

2-Homemade Brownies {I got the recipe from Ty's Mom & they are so good & easy to make- I loved watching my girls gobble them up when they came home from school. I enjoy making after school snacks for them} 
3- My Toothbrush {I'm reminded of one of my most favorite quotes of all time}
Appreciation unexpressed is not appreciation. If you can't find someone to say thank you to for something just take a look at your toothbrush and say, "Thank you for being. You are a wonderful little gadget." 
-Sister Marjorie Hinckley

Love that quote & the way I feel after I get to brush my teeth- fresh & clean, I can't imagine life without a toothbrush. 

**I'm also grateful that a certain puppy crawled into his kennel tonight all by himself ready for bed- what a good dog! 
{now if my 3 girls were that easy to put to bed..} 

Sweet Dreams everyone

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