
What I wore Wednesday


  I totally embraced the Fall season today by wearing an orange top, cream sweater, grey cardigan 
{I love this cardigan, it's so soft & light- thank you DownEast.  I love all their stuff!} 
 & put on my brown riding boots & headed out for the day. 
{I don't ride horses but I thought that sounded official ;)}

I got up this morning at 5:45 a.m. to go to Zumba- which is always so much fun!  I love getting up early {when I do} & hitting the gym & being home by 7:00 a.m. to get the kids off to school & start my day. Ahhh..... so much better than going to the gym at 9:00 a.m. but not able to start the day until 10:45 at the earliest once I've showered & got ready. 

I heard something that totally hit me today {at the scripture class I attend} we were having a discussion about choices & somebody said- there are 2 types of pain we can experience in our lives 

1- the pain of discipline 
{getting into a routine/habit, doing everyday & what we are asked or want to do} 
2- the pain of regret
{when we don't do the things we know we can & should do} 

 I sooo feel that when my alarm goes off at 5:45 in the morning, it's dark outside, I'm warm & comfy in bed & I don't want to get out of bed & go to the gym {so I choose to stay home} BUT then later in the day I totally regret not getting up & exercising.  I need to remember the POWER I feel once I go & how I feel through out the rest of the day.

Have a good night- back with some exciting stuff tomorrow! 


1 comment:

  1. That's such a cute outfit! I am sitting here trying to talk myself into exercising. So, I will choose the pain for discipline. Go me!


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